
What is Accidental Death Benefit Meaning and Definition

Want to know what is accidental benefit in insurance dictionary? Another insurance terms we want to talk about is accidental benefit. Do you know what is accidental benefit? If not, keep on reading. If you know what it is, you may read other insurance terms used in health insurance and life insurance section.

I just bought insurance and I prefer life insurance. The agent asked me if I want to include “rider” such as total disability. She asked me if I want an accidental death benefit just in case I met an accident. I replied, I just need life insurance. I am not familiar with insurance, what I know is that it is very important and a “must prepare” thing before investing my money. Is my decision right? Please guide me about buying an insurance and tell me what is a accidental death benefit all about.

First of all, you make a great decision, you bought a life insurance. The mistake is that you don’t understand what you are buying. Let Insurance-Premium.Net explain what is accidental benefit all about.

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What is Accidental Death Benefit

“An additional paid death benefit in addition to the face amount value of a life insurance policy.”.

Reference: Beiks Pocket Dictionary Apps

This simply means aside from the face amount that the beneficiaries will receive, there is another money to be received once the insured was accidentally died. Life insurance is very important, especially if your work is very prone at risks or accident.

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If you have another question, just send it to the InvestmentTotal.com admin. if you have any other definition what is accidental benefit, please do share it in the comment box. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our knowledge in buying an insurance and how to invest. “Life is a matter of choice”, but sometimes, “it is a matter of chance”, so, get insured! Share this page!

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