Retirement Planning

Information About Texas Teacher Retirement System, Their Address & Telephone

Here are the basic information about the Texas Teacher Retirement System . If you want to know the mailing address, location, contact numbers and media profiles of Teacher Retirement System of Texas, visit this page.

Please bookmark this page so that when you have questions to Texas Teacher Retirement System, you can use the contact numbers or the mailing address or when you are online, you can reach TRS on social media.

If you have any queries, you may call TRS member service representative via mail, through telephone call, personal appointments, TRS main office. You can also schedule a group meetings in any of the locations . To avoid inconvenience or to save time, it is advisable to schedule a appointments in advance.

Texas Teacher Retirement System Mailing Address

Teacher Retirement System of Texas
1000 Red River Street
Austin, Texas 78701-2698

teacher retirement system of texas street directory
Image Courtesy: Google Map

Other TRS Address for Specified Purposes

TRS Headquarters TRS Investments
1000 Red River Street
Austin, Texas 78701
816 Congress Ave., 13th Floor
Austin, Texas 78701
texas teacher retirement system building
Image Courtesy of Google Map

Texas Teacher Retirement System Telephone

Here are the list of telephone numbers you can use whenever you want to talk to TRS member representative with regards to your account or anything about TRS.

TRS Telephone Counseling Center

(Use for TRS General Information)

(or 512-542-6400)
For the hearing impaired Dial Relay 711
Automated Telephone Directory 512-542-6592

Note: ( The availability of the line for TRS general information is from Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–6 p.m.; also automated information available day or night, seven days a week).

Texas Teacher Retirement System Health and Insurance Benefits Department


TRS Health Benefits
Eligibility and Enrollment (General Questions)
TRS-Care Customer Service Number
Option 1, Express Scripts (prescription)
Option 2, Aetna Medicare Advantage (medical)
Option 3, Aetna (standard medical)


TRS-ActiveCare Customer Service Number for Aetna and Caremark (effective 9/1/2014) 1-800-222-9205
TRS-ActiveCare Customer Service Number
Option 1, Aetna (medical)
Option 2, Caremark (prescription)

TRS Long Term Care Insurance

Genworth Customer Service Number 1-866-659-1970

I know many of us are active on social media getting connected with friends. Take advantage of the important social media account of Texas teacher retirement system in Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.

  • TRS on Facebook |
  • TRS on Twitter |
  • TRS YouTube Channel |
  • TRS on LinkedIn |

And the most important thing is to always visit TRS official website to read the latest news, memo, announcements and tips on how teachers create an account and make use of the system.

Basic information from Wikipedia;

Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) is a public pension plan of the State of Texas. Established in 1937, TRS provides retirement and related benefits for those employed by the public schools, colleges, and universities supported by the State of Texas and manages a $132 billion trust fund established to finance member benefits.

“Earning your trust every day.” is TRS vision while their mission is;

Improving the retirement security of Texas educators by prudently investing and managing trust assets and delivering benefits that make a positive difference in members’ lives.

Teachers in the State of Texas should be grateful. Not all teachers has the opportunity to prepare for their retirement. You should be grateful because there is government agency that governs, guide and help you  and give you a better retirement years.

If you have any questions related to Texas Teacher Retirement System, just call using the telephone number or send the office a mail message. It os recommended to visit the office address and to TRS representative to guide and assist you well. Do not forget to share this with your friends. If you want to say something about TRS services, benefits, or experiences, just leave a comment.

See also  Good eBook to Download About Claiming Retirement Benefits (PDF File)

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