
How to Provide High Quality Education? (7 Tips)

Want to provide high quality education in your school? High quality education is what we need. Not expensive tuition fees. Are you a teacher, a professor and school owner but don’t know how to provide high quality education? Colleges and universities are increasing their tuition fees. However, we are not sure if the education they give is at high quality.

It is only unfair to learners and to parents to spend more money and more time but only get low quality education. Education is the key to success. That’s true. But, how come there are many people who studied in college, spend more money and time in school but they are not successful.

Is there something wrong with these people or there is something wrong with the education system? I think something wrong with the learners and the educator. Let me just clarify it. Assuming a learner studied in school that gives only low quality education, can this guy become successful? Yes. In some ways and in some aspects. He can become successful in financial matters. He can  become successful as long he understand the value of time and hard work.

On the other hand, even if the school provide high quality education, but when the learner is lazy, nothing will going to happen. The learner will never become successful.

This simply means, the school and the learner has important roles. It is a good combination if an excellent learner will study in school that provides high quality education. That’s perfect!

How to Provide High Quality Education?

Tip #1. Provide high quality instructional materials and facilities.

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How come you can provide high quality education if your school don’t have sufficient instructional materials, classrooms and good facilities. You are increasing your tuition fees but your comfort rooms are stinky, your library can’t even accommodate many learners. If you want to provide high quality education, give first what the learners need such as;

  • Classrooms conducive to learning
  • Books, learning guides
  • Etc.
How to Provide High Quality Education
Image Credit: anabell alicia on CC 2.0 via Flickr

Tip #2. Hire excellent teachers.

This is one of the most important thing to consider if you want to provide high quality education. You must have excellent teachers. Even if you have sufficient instructional materials but your teachers are not proficient, still the quality of education is compromising.

You must hire excellent teachers. You should also train your teachers. Send them to seminars and workshops to discover new teaching methods and strategies. Excellent teachers are effective.

Tip #3. Discipline is a must.

A school, college or universities will be notice easily if the learners and educators are well-disciplined. Say for example, we all know that cigarette smoking is dangerous to our health. How come one of your teachers don’t understand that fact? Is the teacher a good role model if he is smoking cigarette, the worst, smoking in your school premises.

Tip #4. Don’t just be an average. Expect high standard.

Why Harvard University is a well-known university? Is it because the popular people like politicians and successful business owners studied there? No, it is because they provide high quality education.

Tip #5. Values should be the center of education.

A excellent school, college and universities has high values formation. They are molding not just the intellectual aspects of the learners, they are also making sure that they mold the spiritual life of the learners.

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If “values” is the center of your education system, your learners will surely formed a great personality and even your teachers will perform well, will teach your learners well.

Tip #6. From school to employment.

Only few colleges and universities who are very concern about the career of their learners. What is your plan to your learners when they graduated? They find their own job? Or will you help them to find ways to earn a living.

Extension services. If you can give your learners a job after they graduated, you’re excellent. Only few can do this.

Tip #7. Join the Competitions

There are competitions you can join. Sports, academic, music, arts and skills. If you won these competitions, your school will easily get recognized by many people. People will have good impressions to your school and think that your school is providing high quality education. The proof is your students. They win in different competitions.

Tips and Warnings

  • High quality education should not be expensive.
  • If you want to provide high quality education, don’t forget to provide sufficient learning materials and instructional materials.
  • Hiring excellent teachers is a must.
  • Don’t just be an average school, college or university.
  • Don’t make your school uniform only a form of “excellent” or form of “professionalism”. School uniforms has nothing to do in providing quality education.
  • There are government agencies that governs and ensure the quality of education in the country. The Department of Education. get in touch with them and pass their standardization system.

Any questions? Want to add some ideas? Let me know some other ways on how to provide high quality education. Leave a comment below. Do not forget to share this page with your friends, other students and educators.

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