
Basic Things to Ponder on Before Investing in Shares


As a beginner, one of the burning questions you would have is “How to Invest in Share Market?”. When I started out with my financial journey, there was no internet, and very few resources were available to me. If not for my uncle, who was a stockbroker, I wouldn’t have any knowledge about how the markets really worked.


It’s true that investing in the stock market can be a confusing affair. Even experienced investors have found themselves confused about how the process actually works. There are several misconceptions and pre-conceptions about how money is made when it comes to broker-dealers, graphs, trends, and all that technical stuff.

But if you are an experienced player, you might have not aware of the following tips. Read on.

Behaviors and trends

Sometimes people would get confused as to what sector they should invest in. Research plays a significant role in deciding the right kind of company to expect good returns from. As there are many sectors, every sector has its own performance and growth. Some may be performing better, while some may be doing very poorly on the market scenario created by investors and traders.

The market is like a big pond. You have fish (companies) of different sizes in it. Some companies are big, and some are small. The big ones eat the smaller ones and still remain hungry. That’s why only a few more prominent companies rule the entire market and make the path in their desired direction for others. It’s crucial to choose the right sector in terms of your personality, experience, skills, etc.

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Short- or long-term plans

However, stock market data suggests that if you’ve invested for five years, and no one knows where the share prices are heading in a few days, short-term investment of 12 months can only beat long-term ones twice. The odds are not in your favor; negative news might disrupt your trade.

Some people prefer short-term plans as usual, and they offer lower interest rates. In the long run, investors can afford to ignore short-term fluctuations in stock prices because their fixed investments have larger time horizons.

Make small investments

I do not think that there is an amount that is appropriate for investments. The amount depends on each person and also on the time when he starts investing. The good news is that no matter how much you have invested in shares, it will not change your situation much if you lose this money. If you have $ 1.00 like me, your situation may not even be affected if you lose it. I would say that there is a psychological barrier – fear of losing money and such things – to invest in shares, so you better start with smaller amounts.

If you are the kind of person who wants to try out investing in testing out the waters, I think it is a good idea to do so. By starting with small value investments, such as shares, you will be able to get your feet wet and learn more about the field.


Investing Daily (Investing Daily) provide useful insights on investing and trading stocks, forex, and cryptocurrency, & different ways to invest money, & make money online.

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