

Update: Daily investing tips, forex trading strategies, forex expert advisors EA bot, forex broker reviews, stock market investing, business, insurance, banking & personal finance.

Daily Investing Tips is a blog about investing, personal finance, business and focus on discussions about MONEY. It also discussed cryptocurrency market (Bitcoin, Ethereum, NEO, Dash, Monero, Ripple, etc), forex trading, binary options, real estate investing and a lot more interesting topics. named Daily Investing Tips, is a blog that discuss some topics about investing in mutual funds, unit investment trust funds, stock trading and investing, forex trading, life insurance, real estate, credit card companies and their promos, the performance or the best UITF and mutual funds.

Daily Investing Tips has guide on how to start investing, how to calculate return on investment, what is the future value of your investment with regards to compound interest. The power of leverage, other people’s time, other people’s money.

One of the best things happened in my blogging career is that I can wrote an article about investing because of my personal experiences, what I wrote here are just my personal experiences, “just to make sure I walk my talk”. I am writing personal finances, therefore I should have knowledge in finances, although just a little bit.

About the Blogger Behind Daily Investing Tips

I am not a financial expert nor even a certified financial planner, I just want to spread what I know about finances, just like what I’ve said, “purely based on my experiences”. Whenever I think some tips that are useful, I will going to discuss it here in and will give full credits to the main source of the tips or strategies if came from the other author.

A whole new world began, when I started investing, first I invest few thousands, then followed by few hundred thousands, then followed by millions (target), I am so grateful I have the opportunity to create funds for my investment baskets (mutual funds, unit trust investments and direct stocks).

InvestmentTotal.Com Provides Daily Investing Tips and Personal Finance Guides

Investment Total is just a blog about personal finance, a blog use to record my investments, my return on investment, to track my net worth, record my business progress, (you can see in this blog about my net worth, total shares in my favorite companies, savings, business capital, life insurance and even emergency funds) this blog helps me a lot in acquiring positive money mindset (right mindset) to become truly rich, how to become a money magnet. I believe when I record my investment and business progress, I can attain and achieve my goal.

Investment Total blog has mission and goal, the mission of this blog is to help other people who wants to get a job easily for people who don’t want to make entrepreneur as their career, how to invest money wisely, how to become rich, how to acquire millionaire’s mindset, there are tips and advises on employment and how to become financially free and HOW TO RETIRE MILLIONAIRE. Time and financial freedom is my goal but my ultimate goal is to become happy, healthy and rich.

You can read some articles on how to find jobs, get hired and how to love your job in this blog and from time to time I will post some schedule and events about “JOB FAIR” in the USA, Canada and other countries. I am also blogging about financial literacy, topics on mutual funds, stock market, bonds, real estate etc.

This blog also provides tips on how to make money online, by giving you a guide on how to start your own online business. I am a blogger, willing to share my expertise online, my knowledge and skills are my best assets to live and enjoy my life. If you want to know about;

  • Blogging
  • Internet Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Financial Literacy
    …and how to start your own business and earn a living on the internet.

Daily Investing Tips for Everyone

While I am thinking what should this blog title, I prefer to use “Daily Investing Tips“. Why? It is because, this blog is very personal. It talks about my finances. I love to find investments that can give me a high return on investment, I change this tagline few weeks ago. Maybe this will be the permanent tagline of Investment Total blog.

We will update this about page of Daily Investing Tips | blog as long as we have extra time. For the meantime, you can read our latest articles and enjoy reading and learning personal finance. Thank you for supporting this blog.


DISCLAIMER: The information provided on is for general informational purposes only. The content on this website is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, professional financial advice.

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