
5 Signs That You Will Become Rich One Day


Many of us wants to become rich but don’t have a clue how to get rich. If you have an idea why rich people get richer, then, you have also the clue if you will become rich one day or not.


Here are the 5 signs that you will become rich one day, read them and take note of them if you see these signs, your chances in getting rich is very high.

1. You are excellent money manager.

One of the best signs that you will become rich one day is that you have a money management skill. You know not just how to earn money, but to save and invest money as well.

According to T. Harv Eker in his book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, rich people are excellent money manager while poor people are poor money manager. Therefore, if you are excellent money manager even though you only have a low income, you can become rich one day.

2. You are a business-minded individual.

Being employees and being an entrepreneur are different. If you are happy being an employee, your chance in getting rich is very low unless you are getting paid more.

Entrepreneurs are making unlimited income. They don’t live from paycheck to paycheck every month. They do know that rule in getting rich is we should not have a ceiling in our income. Besides, entrepreneurs are bosses, it is impossible that an employee is making a lot more money than his boss.

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3. You are focusing in your net worth.

Another good sign that you will become rich one day is you are focusing in Net Worth. What does this mean? If you are keep on buying assets (like stocks, properties and anything that appreciates value), you will surely become rich one day.

4. You are addicted to passive income.

You know what is a passive income all about, right? Passive income are income you generate without your effort. Rich people are focusing not in working income. They really love passive income.

For you to understand what is a passive income, here is the definition according to Investopediadefinition according to Investopedia;

Earnings an individual derives from a ren​tal property, limited partnership or other enterprise in which he or she is not materially involved. As with non-passive income, passive income is usually taxable; however it is often treated differently by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

5. You have a millionaire mindset.

If you have a millionaire mind, means you are thinking like a millionaire, it is also one great sign that you will become rich one day. Do you know how do millionaire think when it comes to money? I will give you some guide;

  • Millionaire think that money is a great tool or instrument to add value to other people’s lives while poor people think money as not important thing (that’s why they don’t have more).
  • If you think only hundred or thousand dollars, change it to millions of dollars.

So, if these signs shows in your daily life, you will have a great chance that you will become rich one day. If you want to have another signs, just leave them in the comment box.

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