Retirement Planning

101 Retirement Planning Tips Exclusive for Blog Readers


Looking for retirement planning tips? Here is the huge collections of tips and tricks about planning for retirement. Enjoy this list and share it with your friends. Awhile ago, I shared in this blog Retirement Planning IQ about the best way to save money for retirement wherein I talk about automatic saving.


Let me use again that technique. I believe that automatic saving can really help you build your retirement funds. Especially if you are an employee, you must save money and invest money automatically.

101 Retirement Planning Tips

These 101 retirement planning tips are common and some might be useful or not even appropriate. So, read them and apply those tips that are only suitable.

101 retirement planning tips
Image Credit: Bytemarks on CC 2.0 via Flickr
  1. Create a retirement plan in a detailed and specific way.
  2. Have a SMART retirement goal. SMART simply means specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.
  3. You can do retirement planning alone, but it is recommended to do it with the financial experts. Consult and hire a retirement planner, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or even a registered investment advisor.
  4. Start planning for retirement the moment you received your first pay check.
  5. Do know your retirement target earning asset.
  6. Don’t procrastinate in saving and investing money for retirement.
  7. Sometimes, you must be willing to lessen the cost of your lifestyle to achieve your retirement goal.
  8. Planning for retirement should start in your mind and it was created in a piece of paper and you should take action about it to see great results in the end.
  9. The phrase “suffer now and enjoy later” isn’t necessary true. You can enjoy your money now while preparing for your retirement. It is just a matter of managing your finances.
  10. Know your retirement age. When is your plan to retire? At age 45, 55, 60 or 65?
  11. Have time to analyze your risk appetite every year to have a great retirement investment portfolio.
  12. Make use of asset allocation strategy. This is how you should distribute your investment funds according to your age, risk tolerance and retirement goal.
  13. Take time to research and investigate the cost of living in your preferred places to retire.
  14. To have a quality of living during your retirement, you must have enough retirement savings.
  15. Do not forget to plan about your healthcare.
  16. Also, saving money for your healthcare must indicated in your plan.
  17. Decide who will take care of you when you’re old and sicked.
  18. Relying to social security retirement is a good idea but building your own retirement wealth is a great idea.
  19. Make sure when you retire, your money work hard for you.
  20. While you are still young, do not think retirement planning is only for old people. I began to prepare my retirement when I was 19.
  21. If you want to retire early, plan early!
  22. If you want to retire rich, increase your income and save as much as you can.
  23. Read the “Automatic Millionaire” for more inspiration.
  24. Don’t just buy tangible assets, do buy intangible assets, too.
  25. Buy land, it might be your best bet when you retire.
  26. Stocks are for young people, it isn’t true. You should have stocks when you retire. Just balance your investment portfolio.
  27. Do not forget to buy bonds (corporate or government bonds), they are a “must have thing” in your retirement investment portfolio.
  28. Do join investment club and retire with the millionaires.
  29. Don’t ever, ever and ever retire poor and miserable. It’s a big sin. If you do, it’s your fault.
  30. Invest in yourself first that your future self will thank you for.
  31. To effectively save money for retirement, apply the rule “pay yourself first”.
  32. Take advantage of having a 401k plan when you’re an employee.
  33. Open a IRA individual retirement account. Believe me, it’s so easy!
  34. Live simply when you retire, it will save you a lot of money.
  35. Decide where to retire and who are the persons do you want to be with you for the rest of your life.
  36. Having a healthy lifestyle can help you live longer and enjoy your retirement funds in a nice way.
  37. Don’t just relax in your retirement, do something to make yourself a better YOU.
  38. Finding enjoyment, excitement and happiness is easy as long as you know the people you really need to live with. Find those people that you can’t live without and spend the rest of your life with them.
  39. If you want to retire at 55 and have 30 to 40 years on this earth, what would you do?
  40. Think about the possible things that may happen if you live longer.
  41. Stick to your investment plan until you reach your retirement target earning asset.
  42. Keep on buying worthy things, valuable things. I mean those things that appreciates value like stocks, mutual fund shares, bonds and real estate properties if you want to retire rich and comfortable.
  43. List the things that you want to do during your retirement.
  44. Make a retirement wishes. But do something about them to make them a reality.
  45. If you retire early, do not forget to quit your job gracefully and ethically.
  46. Learn from other retired persons. Observe the rich retirees. Ask them how to retire rich and comfortable like them.
  47. Don’t spend time to poor retirees, they might transfer their mindset — the poor mindset!
  48. You will not get bored if you just plan your retirement carefully.
  49. Always think, retiring at 65 is optional. Retiring at 45 is a choice!
  50. Never depend on someone else advice especially if the advice was came from the poor retiree.
  51. Increase your retirement planning IQ while you still have the time to prepare.
  52. Do not forget to read and visit and share your experiences, wishes, plans and talk to other people in the community. (Refer to community page).
  53. If you love arts, music and happy faces, retire in Europe.
  54. If you love oriental stuffs, beautiful places, retire in Asia.
  55. If you want to retire happy, spend the rest of your life with your friends, loved ones, family, special ones.
  56. Spend some time to read “Suze Orman” retirement tips.
  57. Robert T. Kiyosaki talks about real estate, learn from him if you want to build great wealth.
  58. Don’t expect retirement gifts from other people, give yourself the best retirement gifts ever – your retirement funds.
  59. Focus on your retirement goal. Don’t get distracted by other people or by other things.
  60. Choose retirement community wisely!
  61. Don’t retire in nursing homes! Keep yourself healthy!
  62. Read and review your retirement plan once in a while.
See also  Join Other Retirees by Sharing Ideas, Thoughts, Tips & Opinions

I know you learned something from this list of tips! Kindly share tips and tricks in the comment box below. Your comments will be highly appreciated!

I hope you liked this list of retirement planning tips written in, stay tuned to this blog for the latest updates of this post and read the recent published articles! Have a happy and rich retirement years! Good luck!


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