Pinay Scandal Average Monthly Searches is 673,000 WorldWide

Did you know that the word pinay scandal has an average monthly searches of 673,000 worldwide if you will use AdWord keyword planner? Whether you’re a new blogger or a veterans blogger, you will believe that in order to generate huge traffic from a blog or website is to use the most searched keyword on the internet. One of the most searched keyword is the term pinay scandal. Aside from the mentioned term, money is also the most searched keyword with 823,000 average monthly searches and sex has 327,000,000 monthly searches worldwide. Wow! That’s an awesome data, isn’t it. If I will ask you, will you create a blog related to sex or create a useful blog to teach people on how to save and invest money? Well, if you believe in the word “sex sells”, you may choose number one.

Wasted traffic can’t do something for your blog. You are just wasting the bandwidth of your blog especially when the traffic spikes. That’s my experience when I wrote post about pinay scandal videos on 2008 to 2011 using blogger platform. Here are the most downloaded, most watched and the most controversial scandals that gave my blog a “wasted traffic”.The question is will you write about it even though you’re blog is about money? It depends on your blogging goal, if you just need traffic or you need targeted traffic.

Top 10 Pinay Scandal Related Keywords Used

Other related post are also giving my old blog a “wasted traffic”. Do you want to know the exact terms used by many people searching for these types of videos? Okay let me share the keywords to you;

  1. Most of my visitors are looking for an actual video. They want to know how to download scandal and how to watch without downloading it, they are in a hurry, maybe they want to watch it when they are alone or when they are taking a bath.
  2. Pictures are also one of the most searched terms, many visitors from North American countries are looking for the hottest and sexiest Filipina girls online, they usually used the word “pic, photo, image”. Some foreigners are searching for Asian women, maybe a “nooood” pictures of hot Chinese girl, sexy japanese women or cute Filipina girl.

What Can 673,000 Monthly Searched do for Your Blog?

If pinay scandal is one of the best keywords on the planet, can you used it? I think no. As I have said earlier, bringing untargetted traffic to your blog is just a wasted of time. And it will only give you some bad experiences like;

In SEO 2015, the competition is very huge. You can’t beat an a website with a keyword “video” if the website is a streaming video or a video podcasting site. Will you waste your time competing to a dating website if your blog is about a “tech blog” talking about iPhones, Windows or Android phones? No of course, that’s why, it is still recommended not to publish article about non-related topic.

To understand easily what I mean, just read my post about multi-nice VS. focus niche blog. Read the post and understand which of the two can make the most money, is it the focused niche or multi-niche blog.

Tracking this Page

I will track this page, I will never create a backlink for it. I will not promote it nor make tell it to other people. I will not put video or pictures on it. People who will read this post should came from search engines searching the topic “pinay scandal“. I will share the experiment after one year. This post was published on September 6, 2015. Announcement on this experiment will be on September 6, 2016.

What can you say about this page? Can you write your reactions about this post? Did you find it useful or annoying? Will you search for pinay scandal video or will you learn money management? Leave a comment below and don’t share this page with your friends because this post don’t make sense!

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