Can Muslims Trade on the Stock Exchange?

An interesting question; can Muslims trade on the stock exchange? A reader from South Carolina asked a question on stock market investing. Read this Q&A on investing if Muslims can buy or sell stocks.

Anyone can invest money in the stock market. Whatever his race, his religion, age and gender. Noone can stop you on what you want to do with your earned money.

Can Muslims Trade on the Stock Exchange?

The answer is absolutely YES. However, since Muslim prohibited gambling. If you are a Muslim, you have to tell your officers or elders that investing and gambling had a big difference.

Investing simply means you are setting aside money from your income every month and expect it to grow over a period of time.

While, gambling has a betting procedures. Wherein, you just speculate. You buy stock today and you will sell it later.

So, a Muslim can invest in the stock exchange, however, they are not allowed to gamble. It’s up to you now, whether you will invest for a long term growth or gamble your money and expect to get rich quick.

Now, if you are a Muslim, will you please answer this investing question of the day – can Muslims trade on the stock exchange? Leave your opinion in the comment box.

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