Video Websites Better than YouTube

Video websites allows us to watch online videos for free. Video websites are also a useful tool to keep our documented film or video. They are also there to help us to communicate with like-minded people and to help us promote or products and services.

YouTube is a great video site. There are no better video websites than YouTube For me, YouTube is the best among the rest. There are many things you can with YouTube. But, of course, many people are there to watch videos.

The most watched videos on YouTube are videos under entertainment industry or any unique videos that became viral.

There are No Video Websites Better than YouTube 

You can also try NetFlix, Vimeo, Yahoo Screen, Daily Motion,Vube, Hulu. Twitch, Liveleak, Vine, UStream, Break, TV, MetaCafe and Viewster.

video websites

Other Video Websites are Also Useful

Try those video websites other than YouTube I’ve mentioned. When it comes to popularity, YouTube is the most popular. Also, the biggest among these video websites when it comes to number of users and number of visits, YouTube also wins.

If you are an internet marketer, you will believe that it is wise to use all these tube sites to promote your products or services. Personally, I only use YouTube and I tried other websites. MY experience to other websites are not that good compare to the experience when I use YouTube.

It also depends on how do you want to use these video websites. YouTube is good at everything whether you are looking for entertainment or want to know something. There are many tutorials videos you can watch at YouTube. From beauty care, cellphone or computer repairs, car repair, house building, cooking and even how to make money online.

Related: How to Make Money on YouTube?

YouTube don’t allowed adult contents. YouTube is a user-friendly video site. So, if I were you, stick to YouTube, no other video websites can compare to YouTube. Anything you want to add about YouTube or other tube sites, just leave a comment below.

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