USA Most Populated Cities with Million Population

Want to know USA Most Populated Cities with Million Population? Here are the USA most populated cities. All of these cities has millions of population. The number one most populated city is the New York City in New York followed by Los Angeles in California, Chicago Illinois, Houston Texas and Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

USA is one of the most populous country in the world. China and India are the most populous followed by USA, Indonesia and Brazil.

USA Most Populated Cities with Million Population

The census was retrieved from the official website of US Census Bureau at Other most populated cities in USA are as follows;

Dallas, Texas | 1,257,676
San Diego, California | 1,355,896
San Antonio, Texas | 1,409,019
Phoenix, Arizona | 1,513,367
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | 1,553,165
Houston, Texas | 2,195,914
Chicago, Illinois | 2,718,782
Los Angeles, California | 3,884,307
New York, New York | 8,405,837
Other cities that has no millions of population are  San Jose, California with estimated population of 998,537, Austin, Texas has a population of 885,400 and Indianapolis in Indiana has estimated population of 843,393.

USA Most Populated Cities

New York City | Photo Credit: Josh Liba Under CC 2.0
Jacksonville, Florida has estimated population of 842,583 and San Francisco, California has 837,442 population. Columbus, Ohio has 822,553 population and Charlotte, North Carolina has 792,862 population. Other US cities that has half million population are as follows;

USA Most Populated Cities

Forth Worth, Texas: 792,727
Detroit, Michigan: 688,701
El Paso, Texas: 674,443
Memphis, Tennessee: 653,450
Seattle, Washington: 652,405
Denver, Colorado: 649,495
Washington DC: 646,449
Boston, Massachusetts: 645,966
Nashville, Tennessee: 634,464
Baltimore, Maryland: 622,104
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: 610,613
Louisville Jefferson County, Kentucky: 609,893
Portland, Oregon: 609,456
Las Vegas, Nevada: 603,488
Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 599,164
Albuquerque, New Mexico: 556,495
Tucson, Arizona: 526,116
Fresno, California: 509,924

The advantages of a populous city, it is easy to establish a business. Usually, the most populated cities are the center of commerce of a particular country. However, there is also advantages, like “waste management”, “governance” because when a city is populated there are chances that people are not well-disciplined to follow the rules, regulations, laws and policies.

Note: The estimated population was for the year 2013. Feel free to add your comments or updated data and information related to the most populated Cities in USA with million population.

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