WebTrader MT4/MT5 vs. Trading Platform & Mobile App


WebTrader MT4/MT5 as we discussed in our previous post, it has advantage over trading platform installed on PC,and mobile app. A forex trader usually finding a good and reliable trading platform that can execute orders instantly.

Would you recommend WebTrader MT4/MT5 or trading platform installed on personal computer or mobile phone? I think you would answer, both. Here’s the reason why we should use both WebTrader MT4/MT5 and mt4/mt5 PC and mobile phone.


WebTrader MT4/MT5 vs. Trading Platform & Mobile App

There are instances that a trader will encounter technical difficulties in technology he used as a trader. Whether we trade forex, stocks, commodities, metals, cryptocurrencies, etc., we need to ensure the availability to execute or modify trades in case there are technical troubles like power shutdown, slowing of net connection, etc.

  • WebTrader MT4/MT5 – here you need a fast or high speed internet connection.
  • MT4/MT5 on PC – you need a high end PC, high specifications with good features that can run the trading platform so smoothly.
  • MT4/MT5 Mobile App – if you prefer to trade on mobile phone, you need also high specs and good features. A 3GB ram for your mobile phone will run the MT4 and MT5 mobile trading app.

In case you are trading on mobile phone, can you draw the trends immediately compare if you will use personal computer MT4/MT5.

Some professional traders use both WebTrader MT4/MT5, Trading Platform & Mobile App to trade stocks, forex, commodities, cryptocurrencies, etc. What do you think? KIndly write a comment below and mention your preferred trading platform.

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