Robinhood Margin Withheld When Trading Gold XAUUSD

Robinhood Margin Withheld When Trading Gold XAUUSD – Some Facts Traders Need to Know About

Robinhood Margin Withheld encountered by some of the traders and here one of Gold XAUUSD traders, asked why do he had Gold Margin withheld?

Here we found out that it is a side effect of the rugations that are in place to protect clients, brokerage and the market.

Excerpt from Robinhood;

“Gold Withheld is a side effect of the regulatory safeguards that are in place to protect users, brokerages, and the market.”

And another explanation was found here;

“Any Gold Buying Power unavailable for medium or high-volatility stocks will be withheld.”

What really cause of Robinhood Margin Withheld?

Of course when margin call, you as a trader need to protect your account. Or you trade more that your deposit or funds. Or you are out of funds use for trading.

Robinhood explains;

“Placing a day trade that will cause you to exceed your day trade buying power will result in a violation and may require you to make an additional deposit to keep trading.”

Image Credit: GotCredit via Flickr CC 2.0 – Margin Call

Know more About Margin Call

Margin Call Investopedia explained;

“A margin call usually means that one or more of the securities held in the margin account has decreased in value below a certain point. The investor must either deposit more money in the account or sell some of the assets held in the account.”

Trading Gold XAUUSD the Right Way

There are lot of easy strategies to trade Gold to avoid margin call. We wrote some piece of article about trading XAUUSD Gold on this website that you may found useful.

  • How to Trade Gold to US Dollars XAUUSD?
  • How to Buy Karatgold Coin Using Bitcoin & Ethereum
  • XAU USD Bloomberg Gold Price Forecast Useful to Traders

I hope you found this article very useful. Keep in mind that if you want to become successful in Gold trading, you need first to protect your capital and avoid Robinhood Margin Withheld, in case you are using Robinhood. In short avoid margin call!

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