Investor Vs Trader in Stocks & Forex & Cryptocurrency?


Investor vs Trader who will win in the long run? Whether you’re investor or a trader, meeting your objectives and goals will make you successful in your career. We just heard investors like Warren Buffett became successful because he hold stocks for a long period of time. We also make some research that stocks traders became rich in few months or even weeks. Our topic for today is “Investor vs Trader” who will really win inn the long run was asked by Glenn Kennedy from Brooklyn, New York, USA. Investor vs Trader was also one of the most asked questions in investing and trading forums. So we would like to participate in this hot topic.

Are you an investor or a trader? What’s your objectives and goals? Well, we will not sure what will happen tomorrow but for the sake of this topic, we will show you who will win tomorrow, will both the investor or the trader became so wealthy?


Investor Vs Trader in Stocks & Forex & Cryptocurrency?

Investor in Stocks usually create fortune that can become very beneficial not only to his life but for his heirs or childrens’ future generation. Because an investors has company shares or we consider him a stockholder. What would life be if your family members inherited 100,000 Apple shares today because you invest for a long time? Imagine if you will give your child a gift of 100,000 Microsoft Shares or even 1,000,000 stock shares from McDonalds.

I know you got my point here. Now, let’s talk the life of a trader. Trader will buy and sell stocks because he wants to make quick cash today and forget the price movement tomorrow. The trader objective is to make a living, and somehow make a fortune over night or in few months.

Image Credit: Aaron Friedman –
Warren Buffett poses with a student from Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business at Piccolo Pete’s in Omaha, NE. (Flickr CC 2.0)

Investor vs Trader: It is easy to invest than to trade. As long as you know what you’re doing, everything in investing will become fine. In trading, you need to become mentally tough to cope with stress, etc.

Investor Vs Trader

If you can combine the characteristics of both investor and trader, you will become skillful in financial world whether you choose to invest or trade stocks, forex, cryptocurrency. Because a trader is analytical while investor is fundamental.

Investors are fundamental, they usually research what’s going on to the company products and services, whats the next plan or innovation of a company. While traders know how the stock price moves over a seconds, minutes or where will it go in few months.

Investor vs Trader – Which do you prefer?

You better chose to become both. Here’s the benefits when you became a trader and investor. First, there are investment opportunities nowadays. Second, you can day trade for a living and own your time, have time freedom because you can trade and make money whenever and wherever you want.

  • An investors can invest in mutual funds, stock market, bonds, money market, real estate properties and even on business franchises.
  • A trader can trade stocks, cryptocurrencies, spot metals (gold and silver), options, binary options, forex, and even commodities.

Investor vs Trader – Who Can Wait Profits?

Investors are patient while traders are impatient. Investors can wait while traders cannot because traders wants to make money today. Traders main source of income is his trading job or business. While investors are investing long term (can wait for months, years, decades or even century) because they have many side income or many source of income.

What about you, would you rather trade or invest? If you invest? Would you invest for your retirement or for your future childrens’ financial security & stability. If you trade? Will you trade for a living or get rich as many investor did. Leave a comment below!

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