Forex Training Courses or Free Forex Trading Tutorials?


Forex training courses offered by many professional forex trader online. Some are offering forex training lessons for beginners using one on one strategies. Many professional forex traders wants to share their experiences and skills to other people who also wants to make money out of trading currencies online.

There are advantages and disadvantages when you attend forex training courses. One big reasons why you should attend forex trading course is “technical analysis” and “fundamental analysis”.


Remember that a forex trading is a serious business. Therefore, you must first invest in knowledge. Learning how to trade is easy. Just press the order button and master the trading platform. But, how to win and how to have a positive mindset, managing the risks, reading charts, making analysis are different story.

Forex Training Courses is a Good Investment

A reader of Daily Investing Tips asked a question about attending a forex training courses. Here is is question about forex trading lessons;

“…it’ hard to believe that he (the one who offered forex training courses) makes $10,000 in a single day. I am curious if he is really making that much. Should I purchased is forex training course worth $2,000? Kindly help me to decide whether I will pay for the forex training course or just use the $2,000 as my starting balance and learn forex trading by myself?”

Answer: (Note: This is not a professional advice).

“…if you think you can get full eductaion about forex training courses, then $2,000 is worth the investment in his course. Here are the things you should learn when you pay and attend the forex training courses;

  • forex trading basic knowledge such as how forex trading works, foreign exchange market
  • mastering the trading platform, forex trading training software
  • technical analysis
  • fundamental analysis
  • learn forex trading step by step
  • proper mindset and trading psychology
  • risk management and money management
Image Credit: Simple FX via Flickr Cc 2.0 – forex training courses trading on laptop

Pay for Forex Training Courses or Learn-It-Yourself

But if you can learn forex trading online such as watching on youtube, reading forex trading blog like, then use $2,000 as your initial or starting balance. However, you should practice first on demo account. Forex trading using real money (live account) and using virtual money (demo account) are different in terms of managing your emotions, risks management, etc.

I hope this little piece of advice will help you decide now whether you will pay for forex training courses or just learn forex trading by yourself.

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