Am I Ready to Day Trade Stocks, Forex, Cryptocurrency?


Am I ready to day trade stocks, cryptocurrency, binary options and cryptocurrency is one of the most asked questions by beginners. Take this trading quiz to know yourself if you’re capable to trade now and if you’re ready! And if not, analyze where you can improve your trading. You can use this trading quiz to improve your trading performance whether you’r trading stocks, forex, spot metals, commodities and even cryptocurrencies. I have enough practice in trading using demo accounts. Practicing in demo accounts will help you gain experience at no cost because you are trading virtual money or “paper trading” only.

I can easily distinguish if my trades are wrong or right, if I am wrong I cut losses quickly, and right I will let my trade run to get the maximum profits. Professional traders knows how to cut losses and let their winning trades run up to the highest potential gains. I know more about risk reward ratio. I usually risk 1 to get 2 or more. If you believe in risk reward ratio, some risk rewards ratio allows you to only win at least 3  trades out of 10 trades and you will be on profit. I am capable to strictly follow money management wherein I only allow myself risking 1% to 2% of my capital. Strictly implementing money management will help your account grow and to avoid burning of accounts, some consider it “to avoid margin call”.


I have complete control over my emotions. If you are emotional in trading, trading is not for you. I fully understand that trading is risky but rewarding. Trading risky, but risk can manage if you have enough knowledge. I can get rich overnight through trading forex, stocks, & cryptocurrencies. Do you believe you can get rich fast in trading and want to drive your very first Ferrari red sports car for the first time?

I focus on improving my self on trading than looking at other trader’s progress or account balance. I only track my results not other people’s trading history. I combined technical and fundamental analysis but end in “analysis-paralysis”. Technical trading is good, fundamental trading can also be good. I would rather not to trade if criteria wasn’t met because I completely respect my trading strategy.

I have criteria to follow before I execute trades. I know what type of trader I am. Sometimes I scalp, sometimes I trade according to trends but often times I swing trade for a living. Do you know what types of trader are you? I think I will become a successful and profitable trader but I am not in a competitive process, just purely focus on growing my own account. Your mindset is very important in trading.

Analyze Your Self – Am I Ready to Day Trade Stocks, Forex, Cryptocurrency?

I know a lot about risk management but I don’t follow the rules . Some traders talk about risk management, but often times they ignore it. I have substantial capital to use in my trading career. In case you don’t know what substantial capital is, just think about a considerable size or value. I practice self-discipline in my trading business.

Self discipline rocks! I follow it. I am a stubborn trader adding many positions if my trade goes against me. Well, revenge trading is not a good idea! But scaling positions might be a good options. I am addicted to trade, I have no time for others even for myself because I want to get rich fast. There is more to life. Trade for a living, or live to trade. Enjoy life!

I have a thought; what if my broker/s (forex, stocks, crypto) will cheat me. There are brokers that can cheat traders, just beware! I created a trading account to only reputable, tested, proven broker/s. I opened a trading accounts used by many successful traders I personally know. I am mentally and emotionally prepared to my trading business; come what may I believe trading is not a game of luck, but a game of probabilities.

Trading requires mental toughness, in case you don’t know. I carefully trade even if it’s on demo account (paper trading). If you trade on demo account and treating it as a real account – you are better than a beginner. I have a trading sense of reality, realistic enough to get trading profits per month. Making $1,000,000 per month out of $1,000 capital is possible, but better to be realistic than shooting the moon.

I am relying solely on trading signals sent via Telegram, FB messenger, WhatsApp. Well, it’ s time to close your messenger, whatsapp, telegram, they’re no use tin growing your trading account. For me, revenge trading is sometimes a good option to win until I get back all my losses. You are a gamble, my friend! Trading has high difference to gambling. I admire many successful, profitable, rich & professional traders, and hoping I will become like them soon.

Am I Ready to Day Trade Stocks, Forex, Cryptocurrency? – Admiring Successful Traders

Admire people that you want to become, track their success, and find out how they did it. Copying success, admiring success is better than envy. I have a desire to change my lifestyle. I believe trading can give me financial freedom, and time freedom as well. Unless you want to become healthy, wealthy and rich, then start trading while enjoying your life! Trade while having a healthy lifestyle! I focus on ONE, one pair in forex, one stock, one crypto to analyze easily what’s going on. I’d better look for quality trade set up in ONE fx pair or stock than looking for more stocks or forex pairs “just to press the buy and sell button”.

I believe trading too many FX pairs, stocks, cryptocurrencies are easy to manage. Well, if that’s what you believe, go for it. I am very passionate in trading and I have a “never give up” attitude. Love what you do and money will follow, that’s passion! I use extra/spare money to trade not my children’s tuition fees. Don’t use money you can’t afford to lose! I can’t afford to lose time and money in trading. Time is money and money is time! Win them both! Or lose them both! For me, trading is easy if I learn it well and treat trading as a serious business. Learn first and earn for a lifetime!

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