Steve Jobs Quotes on Resourcefulness in Business

Are you resourceful enough in your business endeavor? Here is what Steve Jobs said about resourcefulness in business and entrepreneurship. Are you a young entrepreneur and want to succeed? Don’t have any idea on how can you expand your business?

I hope you do like and share this page with your friends. Learn from this list of Steve Jobs quotes on resourcefulness in business.

Who is Steve Jobs and why it is important to learn from him. Steve Jobs is known as the “Father of Digital Revolution”. He is a co-founder of Apple. Apple is well known for its high quality electronic products such as the iPhone, iPad and the MacBook.

What is Resourcefulness anyway?

According to, Resourcefulness is defined as the ability and creativity to cope with difficulties. Resourcefulness will help you think and decide what to do in a specific situation. Just like answering a simple business related question, “how can I sell more products in one day”.

Resourcefulness Examples;

John Doe want to start his own business but he had no capital. What should he do? Apply for a small business loan. If John Doe wants to be productive, what should he do? He will hire more people to work with him. In this resourcefulness example, it teaches us how to use other people’s money and time.

Steve Jobs Quotes on Resourcefulness

Older people sit down and ask, ‘What is it?’ but the boy asks, ‘What can I do with it?’. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs Quotes on Resourcefulness in Business
Image Credit: Toby Jagmohan on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr

What does it mean? Getting older should not be the reason why you didn’t continue learning. Invest in education. Successful and rich people continue learning and growing. In the quote above, the “boy” or young people want to know how can he turn that stuff into money. It might be an invention, a recycling materials, a business asset.

Do you have the child like behavior when it comes to discover new things? Old people are becoming stagnant. They don’t want to expand their knowledge. The point here is;

When I attended the seminar on leadership, the speaker quoted a famous line. He said, “the problem is not the resources, the problem is resourcefulness”. Its just like applying remembering the old saying “the defining factor is never resources it resourcefulness”.

I hope you liked this Steve Job quotes on resourcefulness in business. Do you think like the old man or do you ask similar questions like the boy asked “what can I do with it”? Share this post with your friends and do not forget to leave a comment below!

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