Q&A: Why Retirement Planning is Not the Priority of Other People


There are many people who includes retirement planning as their last priority. But other people includes planning for retirement their main priority. Some wants to retire rich, some people wants to retire poor, some people have no idea what do they want when they retire. All they want is to become happy.

Are you one of those people who ignore retirement planning? If YES, what are your reasons why you hate it? For me, retirement planning is very exciting, it is important, it is necessary, it has a lot of fun. What about you? How do you treat it?


Why retirement plannings is not the priority of other people? The answer is very simple. First, they don’t like it. If you don’t like it, why should you do it?

Second, they don’t know the importance of retirement planning. Just like what I have said before, they have no idea what it is all about. They are the people who has the style of “happy go lucky” and those people who have a “come what may” mindset.

They are interested to “enjoy first”. They just want to enjoy life. They go here, there are everywhere. People who are not interested in retirement planning just saying “retirement will come”.

The people who are not interested in retirement planning are those young people that when you ask them when will they plan for retirement, they just simply answer you “i will think retirement planning later”.

Image Credit: Neil Turner on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr

Why Retirement Planning is Not the Priority of Other People

  • They are busy working for money and they have no plan to make the money work for them.
  • They want to enjoy first and suffer later.
  • People who make retirement planning not their priority are those people who think “it’s not the right time to plan for it”. They just think “later”.
  • Those people who don’t understand the process and importance of retirement planning will simply ignore it. But if people will read Retirement Planning IQ everyday, they will get more knowledge and understand how does it works.

What about you? What do you think are the reasons why retirement planning is not the priority of other people. Let me know your clues and ideas why for other people, retirement planning is not important. Share your comment below. Thank you!

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