Financial Freedom: The Reason Why Investing Money is Important


Know the reasons why investing money is important to obtain financial freedom. Learn the importance of investing to accumulate wealth. Look how this young man lose interest in investing his money. Learn lesson from this question and answer today.

A reader of asked a question yesterday when he read our articles about investment tips for beginners. Here what’s written in his email message;


I agree on what you have written in your investing guide. I am new in this financial stuffs. Let me know on how do you fix my financial situation. Before I will tell some story, please promise me not to used my real name in your blog.

I am earning $2,800 two thousand eight hundred dollars per month. Until now I have no savings account. I don’t have time for it. I usually spend my money to enjoy night life, leisure and personal stuff like gadgets.

Why do you think investing will be more interesting if I am now enjoying my life, besides I am still young. Too young to think about it. I think investing is just a waste of time. We only live once, why not enjoy today?

Looking forward to see your response in your website.


David HG, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Message Received: June 14, 2015 @ 23:00 via Email Message

Why Investing Money is Important

The lifestyle of David (the one who sent the message) is quiet expensive. That’s what I think about. Earning $2.800 per month at a young age is cool. However, one thing I asked him, (in email message), how do you spend your salary?

He replied:

I usually spend it for  drinks, pleasures (boy’s talk). I do travel a lot with my friends. And most of the time, I am the one to cover the travel expenses.

One thing I’ve noticed to his email. He is residing in Las Vegas. Woah? Now I have a clue. I then replied to his message sharing my point of views;

David, how long to keep yourself strong? Until when do you want to work for someone else? Isn’t it great to make your money work for you? Isn’t it great to prepare for your retirement? You can enjoy your life and at the same time preparing for your financial future.

Every time you received your salary, pay yourself first. Who is working to make money? Do your friends make money for you or you make money for your friends? Who is getting tired? Who uses strength?

Pay Yourself First: Before you spend your money for drinks and other enjoyable things. Save and invest. Think about this, would you rather chose to enjoy today and suffer tomorrow or suffer today and enjoy later. The good thing in investing is that it can allow you to meet permanent financial success. If you have time, please always visit and look for “investing tips for beginners”.

Image Credit: Think Panama CC 2.0 on Flickr

There are many great reasons why we should invest money. Besides, there is no easy money. That’s why you should not wasted your hard-earned money. For me, there are four fantastic reasons to keep yourself motivated in investing.

1. No Easy Money

The first reason why you need to invest money is because there is no easy money. If someone told you that it has, they are just trying to trick you. Try to stand in front of your house today without doing anything. Will you earn even one dollar? Nope, you need to use efforts and strengths to make money.

2. Early Retirement

You need to invest your money to prepare for your retirement. In retirement planning, it is wise to prepare it as early as you can so that you can retire early and enjoy the rest of your life. Investing can help you acquired retirement target earning asset.

A retirement earning asset are the investment funds that can make you a passive income. Passive income means making money without using any effort or time.

3. Let the Money Work for You

As you have noticed to my question to my conversation with David, I asked him “Until when do you want to work for someone else?”. I want him to think working for someone else for a lifetime is not a good idea.

4. Be a Good Steward

God gave us strength to make money. And the blessings he gave to us are great including health, time and money. Prove to Him that you are a good stewards of money and He will surely give you more.

Read Luke 19:11-27 to know more about good money stewardship.

Summing Up

The fact that money are hard to earned, why don’t you make easy money when you grow old. The number one reasons why investing money is important “be a good steward”, as what you have learned from Luke 19:11-27. Let the money work for you by acquiring your target earning asset for your retirement.

Do not expect to retire happy and rich if you didn’t save and invest. Sow early and reap more later. Now you know the importance of investing money, feel free to learn investing today.

Thought of the Day:

“The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money”. – Warren Buffett, CEO Berkshire Hathaway

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