Where to Get Reliable Advice for Retirement Planning?


Where to get reliable advice for retirement planning? A reader asked, “I am an employee in department store. I am working for about 19 years. I want to retire rich. Can you suggest where to get a good and reliable advice for the preparation of my retirement?”William R. asked this question via email.

Our Response: You can get reliable advice for retirement planning is by asking a CFP or retirement planner. The only persons that can help you prepare for your retirement is a CFP (Certified Financial Planner) and you!


Find financial planner in your area, consult your financial goal and ask a CFP about your retirement plan. You are working for about 19 years, why do you think retirement planning only today? Retirement planning should be start during your first salary, if you invest 300 dollars per month within 20 years that earns 12%, you should have now $250,000 for your retirement.

Get Reliable Advice for Retirement Planning

Now, you’ve learned your lesson. it is not too late. You can have a successful retirement if you will follow what a CFP will advice you to do.

In my own experience, I only start saving and investing for my retirement when I reach the age 30, my plan is to become super rich when I hit 50. I still have 20 years preparation and for me 50 years old is an early retirement.

I do hope William liked this retirement advice. Please share your comments and suggestion on how to retire rich and comfortable and how to acquire enough money for retirement. Thank you!

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