Retirement Quote: “Life Begins at Retirement” Explained


An unknown author said “Life begins at retirement”. What does this retirement quote really mean? Not everyone are aware of retirement years. Some people (I mean many people don’t really care about retirement planning). They are very contented as long as they live today, they are working today and breathing today. LIfe is a matter of choice. Are you familiar with that quote? I do agree with that. If you think everything in life happens because of “chances”, then you’re probably getting the wrong mindset. In retirement planning, the quote “life is a matter of choice” applies. If you want to retire rich, happy and comfortable, then choose to retire that way.

Related: Q&A: Why Retirement Planning is Not the Priority of Other People


Life Begins at Retirement ~ Author Unknown

After working so many years, you’re tired and you realized what you only did for the last 30 years are just working and working and working for money. Now you’re old and want to experience how life is truly wonderful.

If you retire young, you will get a better life experience than many people. Enjoying, spending time with your loved ones, and you aren’t worrying about finances. You’re money-free. You are financially independent.

Enjoy Life Early or Never

If you want to enjoy life, of course you need to have enough money to use. By means of retirement planning, you are carefully planning all your finances, your lifestyle, and your whole life after retirement.

If you want to enjoy life early, do whatever it takes to become financially free. Believe me, all things can be done easily when you have a lot of money. Money will give you worry-free life, a peace of mind and most of all time freedom.

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What I mean about time freedom? You don’t have to spend all your whole life to work just to make money. How beautiful life would be if you have money work for you. Instead of working 8 hours a day, why not work for an hour and make more money than those of people working 9 to 5. Life will only gets better if you have your own business and a successful investments.

Life begins at retirement because you will surely experience enjoyment, relaxing and stress-free life. There is more to life. If you work, work and work, you will never experience those excitements and happiness that life has to offer. So beginning today, you must know how to prepare enough retirement funds.

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