These Simple Retirement Questions Can Help You Get Prepared


Retirement planning is imperative if you want to retire early, retire rich and comfortable. Planning for your retirement is very easy. As long as you know when to retire, when to live during retirement and how much money do you really need, you can prepare for your retirement.

Today, let me just share these simple questions that can help you increase your retirement planning IQ. These questions will serve as a guide when making a retirement plan;


Retirement Planning IQ: Just Think Ahead

Ask these questions to yourself by completing the sentences. If you have time, write your answer in your notebook.

I am ____ years old now. My plan is to retire at age ____. I should have $_____ in my bank account and $______ worth of total assets that earn passively for me. During my retirement, I prefer to live in ________ (specific places; e.g. New York, Pennsylvania, California, Hawaii, Tropical Asian Countries).

I want to live the rest of my life with _______(state her/his name here) doing the things we really enjoy like ______________, _______________ and __________.

Image Credit: Nancy on Flickr Creative Commons 2.0 – Retirement with a View

Retirement Plan of Action for Golden Years

As we all know, success is only sure if we plan for it. Retirement planning is easy as I have said awhile ago. However, you should not only plan. Execute your plan. Complete the sentence below.

I will start investing money amounting to $_______ per month within _____ years. I will invest money in ______ (stocks, mutual funds, bonds, etc) every month until I reached my retirement target earning asset. So that, during my retirement, I have a lot of money working for me.

Hint: Decide how money you want to invest per month and where to invest money. Determine how many years you still have. If you are 30 years old now and want to retire at 55, that means you still have 25 years preparation.

What can you say about these simple retirement planning questions? It’s easy to follow. Just complete the sentence and you’re fine. Hey, in investing for retirement, there are so many things to consider. Do not forget to ask the Certified Financial Planner regarding with this matter.

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