How to Learn Personal Finance Education? (5 Easy Ways)


A reader asked; “how can I learn personal finance education easily if I am too busy for my job? I want to study what are the benefits of having knowledge about personal finance and investing money.”

from Jerry Q, Ireland via Email


Response from Return On Investment blog;

Thank you Jerry for sending us a question about personal finance. Since you are busy in your job, you can still learn personal finance education the easy way. Here are my suggestions; (1) study financial management using the internet when you have free time, (2) you can learn through reading business and finance books (3) by hands-on experiences (4) ask a CFP (Certified Financial Planner) in your area.

When it comes to learning personal finance education, you don’t have to necessary spend a lot of money. However if you really want to be skillful and knowledgeable in personal finance, you need to study it seriously in school, seminars, training or short courses.

5 Ways to Learn Personal Finance Education

1. Learn Personal Finance Online

By reading personal finance blogs, you will have an idea on how to manage your personal money. You will get free information on how to save money, budget your finances and how to spend your money wisely.

2. Learn Financial Management through Books

When I started learning personal finance education, I always buy books. The book of Suze Orman entitled Money Book for the Young, Fabulous and Broke is recommended. Also, there is a great personal finance book where as I considered as a complete guide – Lifetime Guide to Money published by the Wall Street Journal.

3. Learn by Doing Hands-On Experiences

If you want to become knowledgeable about personal finance, you must start managing your money by yourself. Start opening a bank account, saving at least 20% of your income and then spend 50% wisely for your daily needs and 30% for your leisure. Also, start knowing where to save your 20% income as your retirement funds.

Image Credit: familytreasures on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr — Kids and Money Large

4. Learn Personal Finance Education through Short Courses

There are schools that offers short courses on personal finance education. If you are willing to spend money, you will easily understand what is personal finance all about. It’s not about “personal finance”, it’s about everything.

5. Ask a Certified Financial Planner

Asking a CFP about this subject is a wise decision. A certified financial planner knows everything about personal finance. You can catch CFP in investment firms, banks or in the financial literacy and investing seminars.

For me, personal finance education is very important. It help everyone to prepare their financial future especially during our retirement (when we stop working). If you don’t know how to manage your finances, even though you are working hard, you will still end up as “broke”.

Now you know how to easily learn personal finance education. You have two options to learn financial literacy. First, learn it by yourself. Second, learn it with other people like certified financial planner.

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