Q&A: Know Your Retirement Age in Simple Math


I want to know what is my retirement age, a reader from California, USA asked. This is the answer. If you want to know your retirement age, analyze when do you want to retire? At what specific date or year? If you are 30 years old today 2016 and you want to retire at 50, you still have 20 years preparation. That means you will retire on year 2036.

Here is the table if you want to when is the exact year you can retire from your work. A simple calculation to know your retirement date.


What is My Retirement Age?

Birth Date Age 60 Age 65
1954 2014 2019
1958 2018 2023
1959 2019 2024
1962 2022 2027
Image Credit: Joe Lanman on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr — Compact Calendar Card – Design 3

What is My Retirement Age (Table)

Simple. If your birth date is 1954 and you want to retire at age 60, you are already retired on 2014. But, if you want to retire at age 65, you will retire on year 2019.

What is my retirement age if i was born in 1962? At age 60, you will retire on 2022 while at age 65, your retirement date is on 2027.

What is my retirement age if i was born in 1958? You will retire on 2018 at age 60 and on year 2023, you are 65 and good to retire.

Whether you were born in 1964, 1971, 1982, 1981, you will easily find out the year of your retirement. But, first decide when do you want to retire.

Was this post useful to you? Using a simple math can help you know exactly your retirement age. What can you say? When do you really want to retire?

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