Retire Early Challenge for Everyone, Let’s Retire Young & Rich


Here’s the radical retirement challenge. Let’s retire early, yes at age 30 or 40 or 45. Here in RetirementPlanningIQ, We want to share our best to educate our readers about saving and investing money for retirement. I would like to insert some retirement quote that can be useful for this challenge as a good motivation for all of us.

Retirement, a time to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, where you want to do it, and, how you want to do it.” ~ Catherine Pulsifer


When do you want to do the things you want to do? At the time when you can’t do them because you’re old and weak or at the time when you’re strong and healthy? That’s a common sense. One of the great benefits of early retirement is “enjoyment”. When we grow old, we will realize that we spent our years by just working and working. Why not retire early and spend the rest of our life enjoying and relaxing.

Lucky people are those who built wealth at a young age. Imagine if you have income generating assets that surpassed your monthly income in your 9 to 5 job. At age 40, if you have rental properties, stocks and mutual fund shares that can help you generate serious money, you’re on the right track to early retirement.

Join the Retire Early Challenge

State your name, age, address and share some of your strategies which you think they’re also useful and effective to other readers.

Image by Annaluisa Bertolucci via Flickr CC 2.0

Let’s track our goal. To retire early is very challenging but really rewarding. How much money do really need to retire at age 40 and how much money do we really need to survive from age 40 to age 70.

The Ultimate Challenge to Retire Early

The ultimate challenge to retire early is being a focused person. We can’t avoid getting distracted to our goal especially when we are young. Let’s just name some distraction in achieving our goal (to retire early). The number one hindrances is “peer pressure”, many people will only tell you that “retirement is very far”, “let’s just enjoy now”.

If you are motivated enough, you are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed and retire early. As long as you have a concrete plan and a SMART goal, you can succeed.

SMART goal simply means, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. In planning for retirement, a SMART goal also applied. When do you want to retire? At what age and what date? HOw much money do you really need to retire early? Be specific in the amount. Do you need one million dollars or just half a million dollars.

I hope you will join us in this retire early challenge. What are the best investment and saving options to meet our goals? Do you prefer to talk to financial expert or you do plan your retirement alone? Join the retire early challenge now.

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