How to Buy Things Online without a Credit Card?


Maybe you asked, how can I buy things online even without using a credit card. Is it possible to buy things online even if I have no credit cards available. I want to buy the things I like on the internet like electronic gadgets, shoes accessories and clothes. This post was related to my previous topics about buying things online, should you use credit card or Paypal for online shopping.

A curious reader of simply asked;


Hi, how to buy things online without a credit card, let me know how to shop on the internet and buy the latest iPhone. Thanks a lot.

— Sam, San Diego California

Message Received on October 14, 2015

Actually buying things online are very convenient to do rather than going to a retail store. However, since it was online, you have to deal with online transactions using online payments like credit cards or PayPal.

Related: Can You Buy Money Order without a Credit Card

Image Credit: Rev. Xanatos Satanicos on CC 2.0

How to Buy Things Online without a Credit Card?

The answer to the question is YES! You can buy things online without using a credit card. Here’s how to do it;

  • Look for legitimate retail store online. Look for online sellers.
  • Choose the things you want to buy.
  • There are payment methods available from different online sellers.
  • Payment methods such as credit cards, remittances, PayPal or COD
  • Talk to the online seller and deal to pay the items in cash.

Tips & Warnings

Choose the legitimate online sellers only. To avoid getting scam, don’t pay cash through remittances until you handled the item. Prefer to pay cash on delivery.

What can you say about this post? Did you find it useful? Let me know your opinion regarding question. Do you think you can buy things online without a credit card? Share your answer in the comment box below. Thank you!

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