How to Achieve Goal Easily and Successfully?


Learn how to achieve goal easily and become successful. Tips to achieve your goal, financial or career goal. Know the different types of goal to make. Do you want to know how to make an effective plan? Here is the simple tips but effective tips on to achieve your goal easily and successfully. Every goal has its own completion date, has its own reasons why it has been created, why do you have goals?

How important to you is your goal? The perfect motivation is very important during the process of making your dreams come true, you have to make yourself inspired and full of life.


How to Achieve Goal Easily

You have the biggest reason why do you want to succeed, in order for you to achieve any goal, you must be a disciplined person, let’s talk about this topic, a so important topic, are you ready?

Types of Goals

If I were you, I will review all my goals in life, if it is for financial, spiritual, relationship and career, I will have to review this one by one, because we should have to consider different things when setting our goal in  life;

1. Short Term Goal
A short term goal can achieve in a short period of time such as few months, a year or two. Example of short term goals are, to have extra $15,000 in one year, to lose weight after 3 months, to get a new career or job next month, to save $10,000 in one year.

2. Medium Term Goal
Medium term goals can achieve within 5 to 10 years, example of this medium goals are, to buy a brand new car after 5 years, to get married after 5 years, to become financially free after 10 years, or you might say, after 10 years you have 2 kids.

3. Long Term Goal
For long term goal, you can have to set your mind for future, this can achieve after 15 to 20 years, example of this goals are, to have stocks shares for your favorite corporation worth $50,000 or earned $1,000,000 profits on stock market, or to have your own corporation, to have lot of business that make huge amount of profits.

4. Lifetime Goal
Lifetime goal, this must be your ultimate goal, as I mentioned in blog archives, my ultimate goal in life is to become happy and rich, yes that’s my goal and I am very determined to achieve that ultimate goal; to become happy and rich. Let me teach you how to achieve that goal, please read the article here.

Important things to be reflected in your goal, these are the things that should be shown or the things you are aiming for, here are they;

  • Health Goal – to lose weight, to quit smoking, to become healthy, to gain weight, to become look more masculine or feminine, to look and feel great, to look attractive etc.
  • Financial Goal – to become financially free, to save $1,000,000, to earn extra $1,000 etc.
  • Family Goal – to get married, to have a happy family, to have 2 kids etc.
  • Spiritual Goal – to become a preacher, to become a pianist or choir member, to help ministry and church organizations
  • Education Goal – to finish college, to acquire master of business administration, to get a doctoral degree, to acquire new technical and vocational skills
  • Business and Career Goal – to start my own business, to have a new branch, to make more proifts, to get more sales, to get a new job, to get promoted and raise your salary, to become the CEO etc.

Reminders on How to Achieve Goal Easily

You should a plan in your goal, write it down, and do not forget to take action, for a goal without a persistent action is not a real goal. You already know what are the different types of goals, and what are the important things that should be considered in setting your life’s goal, now, let’s talk what is a “GOAL” all about and how you can achieve it successfully and easily.

  • A goal should be “specific”.
  • A goal must be “measurable”.
  • A goal must be “attainable”.
  • A goal must be “realistic”
  • A goal must be “timely”.

They call it a SMART goal, as the abbreviations of the above good characteristics of a goal. I hope you liked my post on how to achieve goal easily. In my next article, I will discuss some things about how to succeed in life easily and become positive in achieving your goal.

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