Can Anyone Get Rich without College Degree?


Do you think you can get rich without college degree? When I do my research, I found out that most successful people didn’t enter college and some are college drop-outs. This means, anyone can get rich, whether he is highly educated or not.

A reader asked- “I am a freshman college student taking computer engineering. I don’t want to enter college and get a bachelor degree anymore. I want to get rich without getting a 4 year or 5 year course. I feel boring and I can’t wait to get rich. My parents need more money badly and I will just feel guilty when they will only use the money for my tuition fees.” Update: For further information, have time to read the topic Will High Grades Make You Rich?


Can Anyone Get Rich without College Degree? Response – You have to analyze the consequences before you stop schooling. First, not all college drop outs became rich. Take advantage of the opportunity given to you by your parents. Think twice, if you will continue your schooling you will get a degree and it’s easy for you to find a job someday.

Your other option to become rich is to become a young entrepreneur, train yourself to become an entrepreneur. Sell something, sell more and make more money. In people’s daily lives, selling is the center transaction.

That’s why, many people are getting rich fast because they are not getting rid of selling. You have to think what products or services you want to sell. If you have no product yet, be an affiliate to any company. Sell other people products and make commission.

If you are really genius, of course with “good luck”. Try to do what Bill Gates of Microsoft did and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook did. These men are billionaires.

The answer to the question is this, if you don’t want to enter college anymore. Start your own business. If you have no business capital, start working for someone else, save money and invest your savings by starting your own business. Remember, if you want to can get rich without college degree, be an entrepreneur, do whatever it takes to succeed in your own business, and someday all those people who enter college will be just your employee. How great is this answer? Share it to your friends!

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