Welcoming the Happy Retirement Journey to Riches through Investing

Hey, want to have a happy retirement journey? Me too, my plan is to retire young, happy and rich. I wish you and me will have a successful retirement journey and have a meaningful life in the end. It’s a little bi sacrifice. In this page, you will surely have an idea and useful “thoughts” (a hidden message) that you can use for your happy retirement journey.
Before we begin, let us analyze these beautiful retirement quotes and sayings;
“Retirement may be an ending, a closing, but it is also a new beginning.”
Author, Catherine Pulsifer
If you believe on what Catherine Pulsifer about retirement, you will surely believe that you will be having a new and great adventure in life when your retirement has come.
“Retirement, a time to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, where you want to do it, and, how you want to do it.”
Author, Catherine Pulsifer
This retirement quote from Catherine Pulsifer is awesome and sweet. An easy to understand. This must be your guide for your happy retirement journey. As she stated, you can whatever you want, wherever and whenever you want to do the things you want to do.
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Personal Happy Retirement Journey

I am so serious about my personal retirement planning. I really want to retire rich and retire young. To be specific, my target retirement age is when I will become a 45-year old. When I reached 45-year old, I should have at least $230,000 earning asset. Two hundred thirty thousand dollars is enough for me to live comfortably since I only have low-cost type of lifestyle.

What should I do to have $230,000 after 12 years? My plan is to earn more money online, through blogging I can earn that amount of money for my retirement. Since blogging is my online business and I am very happy with what I am doing. I do believe making $230,000 is very easy.

My plan is to build multiple blogs in different niche. I will build more blogs in finance and insurance niche and health niche. I will build 2 finance niche, one is InvestmentTotal.com and the other will be build via WordPress.

Health niche will soon begin this month, June 2015. I will create a health blog wherein I will share my knowledge about losing weight and some information about how to buy a weight loss pills online.

Image Credit: Aaron Tan via Flickr CC 2.0

Reasons of Retiring Rich and Young

I firmly believe I can retire rich and retire young. I never doubt it. Besides, that is one of my ultimate goals in life. Why do I want to retire rich and retire young?

More Time to God – I really want to serve God everyday. I want to sing Him the song of praises and create music for Him everyday. I want to glorify His holy name everyday. I want to spend the rest of my life serving my Almighty Father.

More Time for My Family – I will give my family a quality time. Whenever they want me, I will always be with them. I want to stay at home, no boss will tell me what to do. I can give my family a quality time when I acquired my target earning assets. I should have enough money in my stock broker account and mutual funds that can earn yearly not just to sustain my everyday expenses but help me to enjoy my life forever.

Complete Financial and Time Freedom – I am dreaming of complete financial freedom and time freedom. God knows I really deserve it. I will wait for the right time. I know God will grant me time and financial freedom.

Learning to Retire Young, Happy and Rich – My Happy Retirement Journey

If billionaires read my retirement plan and want to help me to retire young and rich. Just email me (go to my contact page) and I will thank you for the rest of my life. I just want $230,000 to live the life I want. I will invest the $230,000 and the earnings can help me and my family to live happily.

That’s all my plan for my happy retirement journey. A retirement doesn’t choose require specific age, other people wants to retire at 65, well, hopefully in God’s plan, I will retire at 40’s (45 to become more specific). Imagine if you can do what you want to do whenever and wherever you want to it.

Please always support InvestmentTotal.com – a online stock trading guide. I would like to know your retirement plan. What is your idea on how to retire rich and retire young? May you have a successful and happy retirement journey, too. Please leave a comment below. Thank you.

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