Focus on the Family Donation, Give Money & Glorify God


Focus on the Family! That’s all I want to do. You and I are very lucky because there is a awesome website that can teach us on how to focus on the family. We can learn different important issues related to family such as parenting, marriage, and how can we become stronger in our faith.

The Focus on the Family has good, effective and efficient ways in using the funds. According to them, 85% of the money will use for family ministry, 7% for administration and 8% for fundraising.


Are you ready to give money to Focus on the Family? After you read some of these bible verses, I will guide you on how you can donate money to Focus on the Family.

What the Bible Says about Money

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 NIV

This does not mean you should not need money. If money is your priority, you will end up miserable because there are many things are important than money. If you will just consider that “money” is only a “bonus”, you will become happier than ever before.

Be content with what you have. It doesn’t mean, you should not plan for your financial future. Actually there are many bible verses about money. Some teach us to save and invest. Some verses teach us the magical power of giving and tithing.

Always remember, do give money not because you want to be recognized by other people, but, you should give money because you want to make the name of the Lord be glorified. Not your name!

Okay let’s proceed to the guide on how to donate money to Focus on the Family. If you just visited the official website, you will find out that this organization has a great mission. I am glad that there are people who are willing to help the family to make stringer and happier. They are giving advice and counseling.

Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. We provide help and resources for couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God’s design, and for parents to raise their children according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles.”

How to Donate Money to Focus on the Family

Now you know about the “Focus on the Family”. If you are willing to donate money, just follow the step by step procedures;

Image Courtesy: Focus on the Family

Step 1. Visit and at the left bottom of the website, press “make a donation”. You will be then redirect to the donation page.

Step 2. Select a doantion amount from $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or any amount just fill the box with your desired amount. If your monthly gift is $30 or more, you will receive a free gift.

Step 3. Full out your billing information. Y0ur personal information such as name. Choose your preferred payment method. You can donate money to Focus on the Family using credit card or check Other ways to donate money is available after this guide.

Step 4. Press “Donate Now”. Before you press the donation button, make sure you double check your credit card information or the amount of money you would like to give.

Other Ways to Give Money to Focus on the Family

You can donate money to Focus on the Family by phone. For assistance, please call to 1-800-232-6459. The line is available from Monday-Friday at 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

You can also give a gift to Focus on the Family by mail. Just download and print a mail-in-donation form and send it the mailing address. Here is the mailing address.

Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Now you know how to donate money to Focus on the Family. Stay tuned to for more information and useful tips on how to donate money, give money and some topics about the magical power of tithing. Share this post with your friends. If you have comments, leave it below. Thank you!


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