Find Low Interest Credit Card Offers


A reader asked; “How can I find low interest credit card offers? I am just curious since you teach me how to use a credit card wisely”. Georgette from Saskatchewan Canada wants help in finding a bank that offers low interest credit card. I am also curious, since I only use a debit card because I am not a big fan of credit cards. Maybe you think, how am I suppose to answer the question of Georgette. It’s easy!Pretty damn easy question to answer today. Anyway, if you have other options just leave it in the comment box.

I am willing to learn about it because maybe someday I will also use credit card. Here are my suggestions on how to find low interest credit card offers.


1. Visit a Bank. Preferably Largest Bank

Largest banks mostly offers low interest credit card. You have to visit one bank and review the credit cards they offer. Some credit cards are beneficial. But beware, other credit cards are dangerous.

Most banks have fliers in their offices or in the front desk. You have to get one or more to compare each of credit cards a banks that has to offer.

Image Credit: Frankieleon on CC 2.0 via Flickr

2. Compare Credit Card Offers by Different Banks

You shouldn’t stop in only one bank. You may think you found lowest interest credit card offers. But you’re wrong, because you only chose in one bank, right? You should try visiting other banks. Compare the credit cards of each banks and choose which one is the best.

Say for example, you visited Bank A, it has a credit card good for traveler that offers one percent interest. And you visited Bank B which can also offer you the same credit card with only o.9 percent? Which one should you choose? Of course Bank B.

3. Visit Credit Card Reviews Online

You can also find low interest credit card offers via review sites. You can search credit card reviews and read the experience and testimonials of other credit card holders.

4. Ask Someone who Use Credit Cards

You can ask your friends, colleagues or your co-workers. They are using credit cards. Maybe they are happy with the credit cards they use. Maybe they already found the low interest credit cards in your places and which banks offers it. Ask them, don’t be shy! You can save a lot of money if you found low interest credit cards offers

I think I have write the popular ways on how to find the low interest credit card offers. Don’t repeat the same mistakes of other credit card holders wherein they put themselves in credit card debts. Use credit card wisely.

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