Donate Money to Refugee and Migrant Crisis Victims

Here I want to guide you how to donate money to refugee and migrant crisis victims in Europe, Middle East and South Africa. I found one great way how can you donate money to other people and extend your generous hands to many people in Europe, Middle East and South Africa.

There are many people who hope to leave in a peaceful and prosperous life. But, unfortunately their country is facing war conflicts or a very dangerous natural disasters. People who wants to escape war are those who live in Middle East.

While I am surfing the net using Google search engine and looking for important things and solutions, I have noticed that Google is showing its care to refugee and migrant crisis victims. FYI, here I found one statement from migrant named Amir Hassan frm Iraq;

 “We fled wars and violence and did not expect such brutality and inhumane treatment in Europe.” (1)

Image Credit: Teseum on CC 2.0 via Flickr

Donate Money to Refugee and Migrant Crisis Victims

Step 1. Go to Google Refugee and Migrant Response Official Page

The slogan “Together we can do more” is very interesting. In the front page, you can see how many people is in need of help. You can give them food, you can give them clothes, you can give them shelter, you can help them to have a better life. That’s what you want to do. Every time you watch them in television news, maybe your heart is crying, you feel like dying since you know how painful and how hard it is to live in the midst of trials. Your mind and heart want to help them. You want to take care of the innocent kids, you want to take care of the elderly people. You want to wipe the tears found in the eyes of those humans.

However, you don’t know how can you help them.

Step 2. Press “Donate”.

Google will match your donation for double the impact. Select your donation amount, you can donate $5, $10, $25, $100, $200. (See figure 1.1)

Fig. 1.1 Select amount of money you want to donate.

As of September 17, 2015, five million, fifty seven thousand, four hundred seventy seven dollars pledged ($5,057, 477). The goal is to collect $11,000,000 globally.

Step 3. Review Your Donation

  • Emergency relief for refugees and migrants.
    “Your donation is made through Network for Good, a donor-advised fund, whi has exclusive legal control over your contributed assets.”

Step 4. Set Up Google Wallet Account

Fill in the information required such as name, street address, city and postal code. Also, you can choose payment method such as credit card or debit card. When you choose credit card or debit card, make sure you enter the card number, expiration date and security code correctly. Tick the box “billing address is the same as name and home location” and you can also tick “send me Google Wallet special offers, invitations to provide product feedback, and news letters.

Step 5. Accept the terms of service and continue.

Just press “Accept and Continue”. That’s it. You can extend your love and care to refugee wherever you are or whoever you are as long as you are willing to donate money.

Reference, Source and Citations

  • Migrant Crisis: Serbia Border reported on BBC News
  • To start donating money, visit Google refugee and migrant response.

Donate Money, Share Your Love!

What can you say about this guide? Did you find it useful? If YES, follow the instructions above and start donating money to refugee and migrant crisis victims now.

Thought of the Day:

“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”
― John Holmes

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