Credit Card Philippine Banks Promo List


Looking for credit card Philippine banks promo list? Here in InvestmentTotal, I will share some news about credit card promos and rewards. This will be beneficial for credit cardholders in the Philippines. To discuss about the best way to use credit card wisely is somewhat encouraging to me as a personal finance blogger.

Some articles to expect with regards to a new added categories in this blog “credit card Philippines” will be post immediately. Most articles are updated and I will promise to give you the details of any credit card promotions of listed banks in the Philippines such as BDO Banco de Oro, BPI Bank of the Philippine Island, Metrobank and other major banks in the country.


One best way to enjoy having a credit card is to get rewards while using it. Aside from promos and rewards, as a card holder, you must check the changes the interest rates and annual fees together with the new rules in applying a credit card.

Credit Card Philippine Banks Promo List

Here are the list of Philippine banks issuing credit card. I will complete the list some other time when doing a blog update.

2. AIG
3. Citibank
4. Standard Chartered Bank Credit Card
5. RCBC Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
6. Metrobank
7. BPI Bank of the Philippine Islands
8. Equitable PCI Bank
9. BDO Banco de Oro
10. PNB Promo

I also include MasterCard® and Visa card in this topic. While I was writing this article, I drop in BDO official website, where in I started to choose the right card for me.

Age                             Credit Limit
21 – 34 Years Old: P15,000 – P34,000
35 – 45 Years Old: P35,000 to P100,000
45 Years Old and Above:  P100,000 and above

And it will ask me what type of credit cardholder am I. I just answer “family oriented”. And planning to use the credit card for travel, dining and entertainment and shopping. And I am looking for perks and privileges in a card that has reward points, discounts and treats.

I want a high limit credit cards, but based on my capability and disciplined, I think low limit would be enough for me.

Related: How to Increase Your Credit Card Limit?

As a cardholder or a beginner in using a credit card there are certain things to understand such as “credit card debt”, I will discuss some tips on how to avoid debt as soon as I have a lot of free time to write.

For the mean time, let us talk about the use of credit card. You as a cardholder, must know how to use it wisely, use it for “needs” not “wants”. Be practical and avoid being over spending to the things that are depreciating in value – they called it as “liabilities”.

You have to be aware not just on the benefits that a credit card can give you, but also know the financial risk such as “debt” especially for the interest rates. How many credit card should you have? Well, it depends especially if you are a business owner or a family man.

Never use the credit card in an impulse buying. Never use it just to impress other people in treating them in a fine dining restaurant or entertainment using your credit card.

To have a good credit history, make sure you are paying your credit card bills regularly. Make payment arrangements if you can’t pay the bills on time, do not hesitate to contact the bank to make an arrangement.

You should have only limited credit card for you to manage your debt. Some people wants number of cards because they want to borrow huge amount of money, maybe for business capital or maybe in buying a materials in building a house. You have to be careful and think wisely on how many credit cards should you have.

As a personal finance blogger, it is my responsibility to warn you about using credit card. There is a risk and a danger, however, you can manage that risk depending on how to use your credit card.

I hope I shared some positive tips in this page, visit this page over and over to get updates about credit card promos, rewards and enjoy your privilege as a card holder.

Here are the topics to include in this category in some banks in the Philippines.
A. Credit Card Application and Requirements 

  • How to apply a BDO Credit Card?

B. Tips for Credit Card Holders

  • How to Protect Your Credit Card from Fraud?
  • How to Manage Credit Card Debt?

C. Promos, Best Rewards and Earning Points

  • BDO Promos and Rewards 2014

D. Limits, Interest Rates, Annual Fees

  • Metrobank Platinum MasterCard Table of Fees and Rates

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