Blogging for Money: Good Blog Tips for Beginners


Are you blogging for money or you’re just blogging for the sake of expressing your thoughts, reactions and opinions to a specific issue? Anyone can blog, but, not anyone can blog to make serious money from it. If you want to blog for money, you must consider some important things. Bloggers from India, North America and other part of the world are making a decent living through blogging. Maybe you asked, how much money can they make via blogging? The answer is “unlimited income.”

If you want to blog for money, you must consider the time, efforts and investment you will put in your blogging career. The more time and effort, the more money you can make through blogging.


There is also a minimal investment in order for you to start a blog. When you create a blog, you will required to buy for a web host. I recommend HostGator, the best web hosting company and the one I personally used wherein was hosted.

Visit HostGator (affiliate link) and purchase a web hosting services.

Blogging for Money Even If You Just Started

Maybe you will ask, is it okay to blog for money even if I just started blogging? The answer is YES. Actually it is recommended to blog because you want to earn money from it. If you know your purpose why you’re blogging, the better.

However, don’t just blog for money. Blog because you love to do so. If your motivation in blogging is “money”, you will end up failing and frustrated. But, if you really love to share your skills, passions and talents through blogging, you will enjoy it and at the same time, you will make money out of blogging.

Blogging for Money – Types of Blog that Makes the Most Money

Maybe you ask, what types of blog (a blog topic) are making the most profit or making the most money? Here are some of the suggested topics to blog about if you are really serious about blogging for money;

  • Insurance Blog – if you are familiar with the insurance industry, blog about it. This blog niche is a great but it has lot of competitions in this niche. If you think you can beat the insurance companies, then blog about insurance.
  • Car and Automotive – create a blog that reviews the latest cars of different brands like Toyota, Ford, Mitsubishi, Honda, BMW, Mercedes Benz, etc.
  • Travel Blog – are you passionate in travelling and adventures?
  • Education Blog – if you are passionate about education (studying and teaching tips) create a blog about it and make money online.
  • Personal Finance and Investing Blog – if you are familiar with personal finance management and investing, start blogging about it. The competition in this niche is also high. There are many big websites that rank high when it comes to investing and personal finance.
Image Credit: Matthias Ripp via Flickr CC 2.0

Blogging for Money – How it Works?

Make Money Blogging Through Selling Affiliate Products

There are many ways you can make money through blogging. The famous way is to sell affiliate products that are related to your blog niche. If you have a food niche or weight loss niche, there are many companies who are accepting affiliates like MoreNiche or even ClickBank (just choose affiliate products related to your niche).

Make Money Blogging Through Blog Ad Space

You can display ads in your blog and make money by selling advertising space in your blog. There are many pay per click companies that can help you make money by displaying advertisements in your blog.

Blogging for Money Selling Your Own Products

Similar to affiliate products, but, by this time, all sales will be credited to you since you are selling your own products and services. You can name your price.

Blogging for Money Using Donation Button

Other bloggers are making money blogging by teaching people how to do a specific topic. After they wrote articles, they ask their readers to donate money using their PayPal donation button.

Is asking donation in your blog a good idea? I think yes. Since you are offering your information for free to your readers, it is reasonable to ask for a small amount.

There are other ways to make money through blogging. In my next article, I will share to you how to really start blogging and how should you write articles for your blog so that readers will reward you for your blogging efforts. Now you know how to blog for money. Stay tuned to for more blogging tips and tricks for beginners.

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