Top 3 Best Advice on How to Retire Happy, Rich & Successful


Best Retirement Advice Ever – How to Retire Happy (Top 3 Advice)

Looking for the best advice on how to retire happy? In Retirement Planning IQ, it is my pleasure to share some knowledge and advice on how to retirement happy, young and rich. If you are following this blog, you will have noticed that this blog has only one aim; and that is how to teach you “how to retire early by achieving financial abundance earlier”.

Best Advice on How to Retire Happy

Happy people are those who have something to do every day. Bored people are those who don’t know what to do after they woke up in the morning. If you want to have a happy retirement, think about the activities you enjoy and love doing every day.


Bill Chavanne is absolutely right in his statement;
“Stay busy (when you retire). If you are going to sit on the couch and watch TV, you are going to die.”.

If your plan during your retirement is to just sit in one place spending your time watching TV or other non-productive activities, you may end up getting unhealthy lifestyle. The idea is, you should do what you love during retirement so that you will enjoy your retirement years and at the same time you will lengthen your life because of the activities that can help you have a healthy lifestyle.

Happy old people are matured people but know how to act as if they are “young”. Teenagers are so happy because they enjoy life, they are adventurous and they want to make their teenage life memorable. They go anywhere, they discover new things and they challenge their selves to see the whole world while they are young.

Challenge yourself, too. If you want to become happy on your retirement, do what other young people do. Don’t act your age, don’t think you’re old and you can’t do what young people can do.

J. A. West wants you to know;
“Don’t act your age (in retirement). Act like the inner young person you have always been.”.

Image Credit: PROQuinn Dombrowski on Creative Commons via Flickr – Sage Advice

Another Best Retirement Advice Ever

Before I will end this post, let me share some of the best retirement quotes ever that can be your guide to retire happy.

Advice #1: Have Something to Retire to
“Don’t simply retire from something; have something to retire to”. – Harry Emerson Fosdick

Advice #2: Enjoy Every Retirement Day
“Enjoy every retirement day as if it was your last and one day you will be right about it.” – Unknown Wise Person

Advice #3: Meaningful Life
“Retirement days are your chance to have a meaningful life. You did many mistakes in your life, fix them. You have lived your life for so long, thank God everyday. Spending your time with Him, reveal His mighty works and great blessings. You are the evidence on how God is great.” – Gilbert Canda,

Conclusion: Best Retirement Advice Ever

You can get the best advice on how to retire happy for FREE anywhere. Might be on books, forums, magazines, other retirees and blogs like However, you will only become happy in your retirement if you follow the advice of those people who already retired happy.

If you really want to become happy during retirement. Have something to retire to, enjoy every retirement day and make your days meaningful by giving yourself to God. Fix your mistakes. Do many things that you think He will be very proud of. Worshipping him, cleaning the church surroundings, giving community services, donating to charity, etc. Use your retirement days to have more meaningful life.

When you have free time, take a look at your neighbors. Look one or more retirees you personally know. Ask him or her anything. And then observe him or her if he is living the life he/she truly wanted. If not, this retiree is not happy. If he/she is not happy, learn lessons from him/her.

Do you know any other things to consider and become happy during retirement? Can you share some of your best advice on how to retire happy?

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