Best Personal Finance Books You Must Read


Here are the best personal finance books you must have and you must read. I may say these personal finance books are the top books of all times. I really to read books, magazines and newspapers. But, not all types of books. I hate “love story”. We can create our own love story, agree?. I love business and finances books. Even in my online activities, I always surf the internet on how to save and invest, how to make a successful business, how to increase my net worth, how to stock market works, how to get rich and a lot more topics I want to know. called these books as the Best Personal Finance Books of All Times, some of these books are older than me, some authors of these books are older than my grand father. The authors of these books are highly successful people. They leave a great footsteps in the world that reminds every human being who wants to succeed. I know you are familiar with Napoleon Hill. I assume you know him well.


1. Think and Grow Rich 

Napoleon Hill is the author of Think and Grow Rich. This book will give you an exact idea on how to identify your goal, master the secret of true and lasting success, obtain whatever you want in life and join the ranks of super successful.

Thought to Ponder: “Life’s greatest tragedy consist of men and women who earnestly try and fail! The tragedy lies in the overwhelming large majority of people who fail, as compared to the few who succeed”, “The actual value of your brains may be determined by the amount of income you can produce”.

Think and Grow Rich: The 30 Major Causes of Failure, page 136-137
Dr. Arthur R. Pell (Revised Version), Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. New York, ISBN 1-58542-433-1

2. Secrets of the Millionaires Mind

According to Brian Tracy, author of Getting Rich Your Own Way, “This is the most powerful, persuasive, and practical book on becoming wealthy that you will ever read”. T Harv. Eker is the author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth. Ooops! Actually this is my favorite book in the world. In this book, you will find out out the differences between rich and poor people. There are 17 wealth files with “actions to take” for every chapter. I’m impressed with T. Harv Eker, yes he is a great personal finance author.

Thought to Ponder: T. Har Eker is known to his line stated “Give me five minutes, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life”. He is absolutely correct with this statement. It’s all in the mindset. Always remember, “The secret to success is not to try to avoid or get rid of or shrink from your problems; the secret is to grow yourself so that you are bigger than any problem”.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind; Wealth Principle: page 107
Harper Collins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, New York 10022-5299
ISBN 978-0-06-133645-4

3. The Science of Getting Rich

The author of science of getting rich is Wallace D. Wattles written on 1910. I have a soft copy of this book (eBook-PDF File). Just drop to Facebook page, twitter or Google+ and send me a message asking me a copy.You can download this personal finance book online.

This books reminds me about “value”. Thought to ponder: ” Give every man more in use value than you take from him in cash value; then you are adding to the life of the world by every business transaction”.

4. Cash Flow Quadrant

In cash flow quadrant book, written by the famous author of the best seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad, you will absolutely know the wonders of investing in real estate and leveraging. This personal finance book will let you know why do some investors make money with little risk while most other investors just break even. There are financial paths that the author wants you to think of, to be an employee, a self employed individual, a business owner or an investor. I prefer to become a business owner and an investor. What about you?

Thought to Ponder: “A true investor’s money is always moving, acquiring new assets, and then moving on to acquire even more assets.Only amateurs park their money”.

Quoted from “The Five Level of Investors” page 129 of Rich Dad’s Cash Flow Quadrant: Guide to Financial Freedom by Robert T. Kiyosaki on 2012
Plata Publishing, LLC 4330 N.Civic Center Plaza, Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ, 85251
ISBN: 978-1-61268-006-4

5. The Secret

It is not a personal finance book, there is a page that contains “secret to money”. Wherein, you will know how to attract money. This is very important. This book change my life. It teach me how to think positively about money.

Thought to Ponder: “Give money in order to bring more of it into your life. When you are generous with money and feel good about sharing it, you are saying, “I have plenty”.
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne 2006. Atria Books 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY10020
ISBN-13: 978-1-58270-170-7
ISBN-10: 1-58270-170-9

6. Lifetime Guide to Money

It was published on 1997 by Dow Jones & Company, Inc. The Wall Street Journal is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. The book has 600+ pages that will let the readers to learn; FINANCIAL LITERACY, that’s why they call it “LIFE TIME GUIDE TO MONEY”. 

  • Smart Ways to Deal with Debt
  • Getting the Best Deal in Real Estate
  • Tax Advice
  • Teaching Kids About Money
  • Estate Planning
  • Finding Your Way Through the Insurance Maze
  • Avoiding Disastrous Money Mistakes
  • Specific Financial Planning for Each Stage of Your Life
  • Dealing with the Death of a Spouse
  • Self-Employment
  • How to Handle Finances if You’re Unemployed

Work of the Wall Street Journal’s Personal Finance Staff Lynn Asinof, Jonathan Clements, Karen Damato, Tom Herman, Georgette Jasen,  Deborah Lohse, Ellen S. Schultz edited by C. Frederic Wiegold ISBN 0-7868-6132-0

7.  Build Your Own Mutual Fund

Build Your Own Mutual Fund: How to Use a Personal Portfolio to Take Control of Your Financial Life
Author: Brian O’Connell

  • The Death of Mutual Funds?
  • How Folios Work
  • Taking Your Financial Inventory
  • Stocking Up
  • Risk and Diversification
  • What Should Your Personal Mutual Fund Look Like?

Other best personal finance books, I will include the work of Benjamin Graham’s “The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing“. This books is very useful especially if your focus is stock investments.

Update: February 2, 2015 The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke by Suze Orman.

Best Personal Finance Books for You?

What are the books you want to read and read again and again? By the way, for your information, books are great references, they tell you what to do to achieve what you want to achieve. They will teach you how to get what you want in life.

However, if you will not put your hands and feet at work, you will never see results even though you must have the most popular, most powerful, most motivating and the most challenging books of all times. Increase your knowledge and at the same time increase your guts to take risk and invest money to get rich.

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