Best Financial Advisors for Small Investors

Who are the best financial advisors for small investors? What are their characteristics? Are you looking for them? Many of us wants to have our own personal planner and we want them to be the best. We choose the best that can help us plan our finances from saving, investing, retirement, taxes and estate planning. Finding a financial advisor in USA is very easy. If you want to succeed financially, don’t think twice when hiring a certified financial planner to avoid future financial investment mistakes.If we will read the job description of a financial advisor of a certain company, we might know that a financial advisor should “get his/her sales quota”, but for many of us (the clients) are not looking for that kind of reasons. We want a financial advisor that is very smart, and can consider and analyze well our financial situation especially our financial goal.

Learn the characteristics of a good financial advisor if you are a small time investor.

Money on Wallet | Photo Credit: Fufu Wolf Under CC 2.0

Best Financial Advisors for Small Investors

If you encounter a financial advisor and his only concern is to make sales, you probably look for another one. Those types of advisors are “sales-oriented” but not clients centered agents. In my own opinion, the characteristics of a best financial advisors are as follows;

  • Professional Investor – an advisor can’t give you a great financial advice if he himself didn’t invest nor manage his own finances. Remember, what I have mentioned in my previous post, if you want to get rich, do what other people rich, have a rich mentor not just a “talkative” advisor.
  • Updated in Market Trends – a good financial advisor should be updated to any of the latest market trends so that he can teach you or help you to decide where to save and invest your money.
  • Meet the Client Needs and Expectations – for me the best financial advisors are the one who meets the needs of their clients.
  • Experienced – he should have lot of experience. Not just on investing but in other areas such as “insurance”, “real estate” or business. A good financial advisor should have an experience about caliming an insurance, paying taxes, and an experience on what to do if the market is down. Example, how can a financial advisor help you decide during stock market crash? He can only give you a sound financial advice if he had experienced the market crash before.
A good financial planner know where and how to invest money for his clients not just to make sales commissions from insurance. So, who do you think is the best financial advisor? Kindly share your thoughts about the characteristics of a good or best financial advisor for small investors in your local area. Share this with your friends and leave a comments. Thank you.

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