Best Books to Read for Finance Majors

Want to know the best books to read for finance majors? You may want to read accounting books! There are millions of books in the world. I may say the book entitled “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” written by T. Harv Eker is the best among the rest. It is the only book I needed to succeed. For me the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book is not just a business and finance books, it is a book that teach us to succeed in every aspects of life.I believe if a person achieved financial freedom he also achieved time freedom. For me, time and financial freedom are both important. It is necessary to succeed financially, the good news is when a person is financially successful, all other areas of his life will soon follow – make them successful, too.

Example, do you want a perfect marriage? Well, then build a perfect money mindset first. Get rich and you’ll never find marriage difficult. Do you want a quality time with your kids and spouse? Then, get rich and use those riches to do what you want such as dating your spouse, sending your kids to anywhere they want (example adventures, camping, prestigious school or universities) etc.


Best Books to Read for Finance Majors

The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind teach us how should we think to become rich. Even though a person is working hard but has no proper money mindset, he will never get rich. Hardwork is important in acquiring riches.

The Secret of the Millionaire Mind teach us the difference between rich people and poor people. T. Harv Eker stated “rich people believe “I create my life”. Poor people believe “life happens to me”.

Every now and then I will review each “wealth files” or the difference between poor people and rich people. Then, choose whether you want to become poor or you want to become rich. If you ask me what would I choose, I already choose to get rich.

Suggestion: To know more about finance, read Wall Street Journal Lifetime Guide to Money

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