BDO Easy Investment Plan (UITF Investment)


I already have the BDO EIP (Easy Investment Plan) and me and my wife choose UITF – unit investment trust fund for equity. It is is very easy to have an investment in UITF in BDO (Banco de Oro). The following is the details on how we started in BDO Easy Investment Plan. Last Thursday, I opened a savings account at BDO (worth P5,000) and I tell the clerk to link my BDO savings account in their EIP (easy investment plan). The clerk ask me if I am knowledgeable about investing? I said, yes. “Which investment products on EIP you are planning to invest with?” I like UITF (unit investment trust fund). And I tell her to debit my savings accoount a P2,500 every 5th of the month to use in my BDO EIP UITF. The reason why I choose UITF equity is because I am planning t invest using PCA “peso cost averaging”, which it has a lot of advantage even the market will be going to get up or down.

BDO Easy Investment Plan (UITF Investment)

As easy as that, thanks to BDO for this investment opportunity, now I am an investor., my goal is to invest in BDO EIP UITF worth P2,500 within 5 years. And when my other business grows (agri-business) I will going to add additional P5,000 (total of P7,500 per month and make it within 10 – 20 years). Is that a good idea? Of course, for i know TIME is GOLD. I am very confident of this. Thank you Lord for this great opportunity.

Photo Courtesy: BDO

If you are planning to join BDO Easy Investment Plan, please read the benefits and it’s features;

BDO Easy Investment Plan Product Features

Starts at Php1,000.00 per contribution per month for all UITFs with the EIP feature except for the BDO Peso Money Market Fund (PMMF), which starts at Php 10,000.00.

Frequency and Schedule of Contributions:
Once a month (5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th or 30th)
Twice a month (5th & 20th, 10th & 25th, or 15th & 30th)

Underlying Investment:
The following Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) are available through the EIP:

* BDO Peso Money Market Fund (PMMF)
* BDO Peso Fixed Income Fund (PFIF)
* BDO Peso Balanced Fund (PBAL)
* BDO Equity Fund (EQUITY)

Settlement Account:
Auto debit from any BDO Savings/Checking/Payroll account maintained with any BDO branch.

 Spin-Off Amount:
Every time the market value of the investment reaches Php10,000.00 for PFIF, PBAL and EQUITY and Php 100,000.00 for PMMF on a contribution date, this will spin-off and be treated as a regular UITF investment documented by a Confirmation of Participation (COP).

 Non-Completion Fee:
0.50% of original contribution amount

Deadline for Enrolment:
At least four (4) banking days before the desired first contribution date

BDO Easy Investment Plan Benefits to Clients

1. Automatic Savings and Investments
2. Convenience
3. Flexibility
4. Affordability
5. Professional Fund Management
6. Cost Averaging

Tips: When you are investing, you can find the BDO UITF navpu (net asset value per unit) in the official website. You can also make use the BDO UITF calculator if you want to look at the past performance or history of a certain UITF type.

If you aren’t already open your BDO UITF account for their EIP, just go to any of BDO branch together with these requirements, valid ID’s (government ID) with clear picture and signature,your investment funds, and 2 pcs 1×1 colored pictures.

Time is running out, I just want to share my experience on how to open a BDO easy investment plan. And of course I just want to follow the rules in money “pay yourself first”, This is our priority when we are making a budget in our finances, this is how we invest money – peso cost averaging and never waste time, we are a disciplined investor. To learn about investing tips, please read how to invest money wisely here.

Don’t Stop! Read and Learn: Lump Sum Investing with BDO UITF (sample calculation)

Money Quote and Saying for the Day:

It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price. – Warren Buffett, Letters to the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc on 1989

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