Natural Environment: On the Path to Recovery

The condition of a country’s natural environment is one of the best indicators of its potential for prosperity. Legatum Institute, an independent international think-tank and educational charity based in London, which publishes the Legatum Prosperity Index every year, reports a steady improvement in the environment in key locations around the world from 2007 to 2017.

The report is sponsored by the Legatum Foundation, an organization established by global investment company, Legatum.

“Healing” the environment requires global effort.

Various organizations deserve credit for creating a movement, which involves educating individuals from different walks of life to take part in aiding in the miraculous recovery of the Earth’s “threatened” natural environment. They have also inspired innovative minds to come up with solutions to the damages nature has sustained due to industrialization, which is believed to be the chief reason behind global warming.

Additionally, conservation programs have been launched to effectively protect the remaining a few “untouched” locations around the globe. Most governments already implement strict policies for development to prevent unwanted disturbance to natural surroundings.

Countries That Show Great Improvement

It is encouraging that there are nations setting a good example to the international community on how it can be done.

The 2017 Legatum Prosperity Index, which includes Natural Environment as one of its pillars, reveals the nations that have been successful in the implementation of their environmental policies based on Environmental Pressures. They are the following:

● Moldova
● Lithuania
● Ukraine
● Hungary
● Slovenia
● Indonesia

These countries have shown great improvement in terms of the sustainability of fish stocks, greater access to clean water, and lower air pollution.

In this regard, the country of Japan also deserves an honorable mention. Its preservation efforts for the Sekiseisyouko, the country’s largest coral reef, which is on the verge of dying due to bleaching, is yielding positive results. There’s continuous research on coral spawning and the bacteria that prevent bleaching to salvage Japan’s coral reefs which are being adversely affected by climate change.

Likewise, Japan has been successful in reviving its polluted waters. The country has been consistent with cleanup drives and the strengthening of their marine flora.

Other countries are also making some progress. However, their gains in certain sub-pillars of Environmental Quality suffer from the counterproductive results from other sub-pillars.

The Worst Performers

It is no surprise that topping the list of worst performers when it comes to Environmental Quality is the world’s most important economy — China. Continuous developments throughout the country make it one of the most polluted locations in the world.

Deforestation fails to generate protest anymore. On top of that, developmental and manufacturing companies do not think much about their over-exploitation of the country’s natural resources. It is no wonder thick and toxic smog often covers the capital, Beijing, and landslides are anticipated during the rainy season.

Next on the list is Bangladesh, which suffers from both terrible air pollution and poor access to clean drinking water.

Other countries with low scores are nations with emerging economies such as India, and those where there is military unrest such as Afghanistan.

Environmental Preservation — a Vital Factor in Achieving Prosperity

There is no question that the condition of the environment plays an important role in achieving national and individual prosperity. There is no separation between the goal of improving quality of life and making sure that the natural environment is protected in every possible way.

Indeed, the attributes of environmental quality such as clean air and water have a direct impact on each individual’s state of wellbeing. Good health, after all, is one of the cornerstones of a productive life, and one simply cannot thrive well in a toxic environment.

It is worth noting as well that people gain assurance and confidence from their surroundings. People generally want to live and know they will prosper in a place where they can easily get food and other basic life necessities, and where they are safe from potential massive destruction due to extreme natural situations.

Therefore, protecting and preserving the natural environment and all the good it provides, and working on the issues jeopardizing it should be the eternal commitment of every country.

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