How to Make New Year Resolutions (5 Effective Steps)


Learn how to make new year resolutions, keep them and make it work. If you want to know how to make effective new year’s resolution, try the following tips written here. Many people are juts making common new year’s resolution like quit smoking, they want to lose weight. One of their resolution is to quit drinking but it’s funny during new year’s day, they are drinking alcoholic beverages. Funny isn’t it?

Other people’s common new year’s resolution is to get a new job they love. They want to stop doing the job they want. What about you? What is your resolution for this coming new year?


If you want to make it effective, write new year resolution in your favorite notebook or write it online through your Facebook timeline or to your Twitter account.

While I am making new year resolutions tips to, I think of the past resolutions I made. Did I make all those resolutions happened? Do they all work? Are my new year’s resolution came true? If not, of course I have no right to give you the tips in making one.

My Top New Year Resolutions 

Learn from these new year resolution ideas I have last year;

  1. Invest $100 per month in stocks as my preparation for my financial future.
  2. I will read “The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T Harv Eker every quarter.
  3. I will become a good church organist.
  4. I will make a daily exercise (30 minutes jogging).
  5. I will eat less and drink more water.
  6. I will stop worrying about tomorrow. I will become more pessimistic.
  7. I will increase my net worth at least 25%.
  8. I will always feel good to apply the law of attraction in my life.

If I will reminisce the past. Most of my new year’s resolutions come true. Of course, if my new year’s resolution happen, my strategies are effective.

Note: I am not drinking alcoholic beverages. I drink soft drinks (once a month). I always drink water. I am not smoking cigarettes. I have a healthy lifestyle. But, sometimes I forget to jog in the morning. If I forget to jog in the morning, I will play basketball in the afternoon.

Yes, my new years resolution happened. My net worth increase more than 25%. I didn’t invest $100 per month. But I invest large amount of money to cover all my monthly investments. $100 in 12 months is $1200. I invest $3,000 in mutual funds.

What does new years resolution mean to you? How do you define it? Is it only a formality? Is it only a tradition or a “serious goal” that you want to achieve? Think about it!

How to Make New Year Resolutions in 5 Easy Steps

Here are the step by step guide on how to make new year resolutions. The 5 ways on how to create a list of resolutions this year and make it happen.

  1. Know what do you really want to change in your life.
  2. Write your new year resolution.
  3. Tell it to your closed friends and family members.
  4. Be true to yourself.
  5. Take action with self-disciplined.

1. Know what do you really want to change in your life.

Before the end of the year, think about the things you want to change. Is it your attitude, your bad habit or the things you want to improve.

  • Attitude – Laziness, Negative Thinking, Pessimistic, Not Confident, Liar
  • Bad Habit – Smoking cigarettes, addictive to alcohol, agrresively playing online games, spending too much time online
  • Things to Improve – Financial situations, increase net worth, eliminate debts, get out of debt, increase family income
Image Credit: Randy Tan Travelogue on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr — Happy New Year

2. Write your new year resolution.

Like planning, you need to write a detailed plan. “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. Are you familiar with that quote? Therefore, if you want to make new year resolutions effective, write it and follow it.

  • When do you want to quit smoking?
  • What you should do to stop smoking this coming year?
  • If your plan ask you to smoke, will you allow them to convince you to smoke cigarette again?

3. Tell it to your closed friends and family members.

A new year resolutions can me more effective if you will tell it to your closed friends, to your parents and other family members. It is because they will be more willing to help you achieve what you want to achieve. If you tell your friends you want to have a perfect body figure this year, they will remind you what to do, what not to eat and they will tell you to do exciting activities like dancing, going to gym or even jogging along the sidewalks.

Your friends and family members will guide you until all your new year resolutions happen. So, don’t be shy to them what you want to change in your life or in your body this coming year.

4. Be true to yourself.

Don’t fake your new year resolutions. Your subconscious mind knows you’re just faking it. If you did, you will end up making mistakes. You will just fail. Don’t make new year resolutions because everyone is doing it. Do it sincerely.

5. Take action with self-disciplined.

If you want to make your new year resolutions happen, take action immediately. As I have said before in the quote and unquote “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. Now you have a written plan, do it, otherwise, you’re just dreaming awake.

Image Credit: Maurice on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr — Unox Nieuwjaarsduik Scheveningen 2013

In any of your endeavors, self disciplined is very important. It can take you anywhere you want. Self-disciplined can help you achieve what you want. Can help you what you want to change. Let’s take some example;

How to Make New Year Resolutions Funny?

A friend of mine wants to lose weight. She wants to have a perfect sexy figure. On January, she started dancing Zumba, she go to gym and she started to lose some weight.

She never know that she is eating too much food. What happened to her, she lose weight one week and getting bigger and bigger after a week. Do you want to know her reasons why she eat more? She said “she is very tired in dancing Zumba and doing exercises on gym”. Funny isn’t it?

What about you? Do you have what it takes to make new year resolution happen? As a conclusion, if you want to know how to make new year resolution easily, you need to think what do you really want in your life, write them in your notebook, tell your friends and family members about it, don’t fake your new year resolution because your subconscious mind knows it and lastly, you need to have self disciplined to make all your new year resolutions become true.

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