Get More Blog Traffic Hits – Facebook or Twitter? SEO Help


Want to know how to get more blog traffic? I want to find out which of these social networking sites can give you the most blog traffic hits? Is it Facebook or Twitter? And what are your tips and tricks in getting blog traffic from these social media sites. After few months of blogging, I found out that a small percentage of my blog traffic was came from social media websites such as Facebook Page, Facebook Groups and Twitter aside from driving millions of blog traffic hits via search engines.

I don’t want to waste my time in these social media because after all, traffic from these sites are not converting well. Especially if a blog is selling affiliate products. There are many SEO experts who are still recommending social site traffics. My main concern is how to increase my blog traffic using Facebook and Twitter.


Here’s some of my strategies which give me extra hits (extra blog traffic). Although I prefer to generate blog traffic from search engines, I am trying hard to make it on my new blog and besides, I am not an SEO experts. A search engine optimization is somehow the best way to get million hits on a blog.

My articles in are growing, from zero to 300 articles after one year. My goal is to write as many articles as I can (of course about INVESTING and PERSONAL FINANCE), the questions is “should I rank each article or I just leave it and the traffic flows?”

Get More Blog Traffic from Facebook Facebook Page has just 360 likes. Whenever I post new updates in the Facebook Page regarding new article, there are only 30 to 50 people will see the post (reached). Half of these people are just see my post but never bothered to read the article. I used to post on Facebook groups, but I think it is not ideal for it may accuse you a FB spammer. If you want to copy my strategies, here’s what I am doing;

  1. Create a Facebook Page and Put it on My Blog (with Pop Up Like Box)
  2. Post Everyday in my Facebook Page Related to My Recent Articles in my Blog
  3. I Never Asked Someone to Like My Facebook Page
  4. I Joined Different Facebook Groups and Post whenever I want to

That’s It – sometimes I had hundreds of traffic hits in one day, sometimes ZERO. (maybe because FB users just ignore my posts).

Get More Blog Traffic from Twitter

In my Twitter account, I only tweet 2 times per day every morning and every afternoon. I got almost 1,100 followers on twitter. Whenever I tweet my post with a URL link, I only get 25 visits. Was that good enough? For 1,100 followers but only 25 of them will read my post. Here’s what I am doing everyday with Twitter to get some blog traffic visits.

  1. Tweet my new blog post or old post.
  2. Add friends mostly those users with lot of followers
  3. When someone followed me back, I replied with a thank you message.

Update: When I post this on Reddit, a good netizen replies and he added some tips, let me include it on this page;

It depends on the content and the audience you’re after. If you want to go on general stats, FB generates about 22.5 times more referral traffic than Twitter does, even though FB only has about 3.75 times more active users (284 million active monthly users for Twitter vs 1350 million active monthly users for FB).So it’s pretty clear that FB drives a lot more referral traffic per active user. But this is across every content type. Which one works best for you would have to be something to test for yourself. There’s too many variables to just go off anecdotes of others. – RankFoundry on Reddit

Sometimes I am getting tired, sometimes I get bored. Do you have any idea how to do everything automatically? I know I have to learn a lot about internet marketing especially using social media promoting my blogs. If you have any suggestions on how to get more blog traffic using any of the social media sites (not just Facebook and Twitter), please share it, I love comments in this blog. I will appreciate your ideas and opinions.Thank you.

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