Mayweather vs Pacquiao Live Stream Updates

Are you looking for Mayweather vs Pacquiao live stream updates? Do you want to know to watch PacMan Vs. Pretty Boy fight on livestream online or knowing how you can subscribe to any of the pay per view services provided by many companies. Here we compiled some news and information about the “Battle for Greatness” also known as the “figh of the century”. While taking a break, drinking some cup of coffee, watching TV news, we gather some important updates related to this event.


Related Information: Mayweather Vs. Pacquiao Livestream on Pay Per View

Pacquiao Mayweather Tickets

According to news, the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao fight tickets has been sold in just a minute. Some say, to be exact, after 58 minutes the ticket was sold out. The arena has only 16,000 seating capacity, the ticket distribution will be like this; 1,000 tickets to sell in public, and 15,000 will be Mayweather and Pacquiao task on how to sell the tickets. According to the news, there is a 50/50 ticket distribution – 50% for Mayweather team and 50% for Pacquiao team.

As additional news, Manny Pacquiao spent five million dollars for the tickets. He bought tickets for the whole members of Team Pacquiao, tickets for his relatives, friends and other politicians such as congressmen.

Mayweather Pacquiao Supporters

Mariah Carey, the famous singer show support to Floyd Mayweather, Jr. while other Holywood celebrities show support for Manny Pacman Pacquiao. Holywood celebrities like Mark Walhberg and Keanu Reeves are bet on Manny.

According to the news, Keanu Reeves wants Manny Pacquiao to be one of the judges for his up-coming reality TV project.

Mayweather Pacquiao Championship Belt

Belt worth million dollars, with emerald, diamond 100 karats, with flags design of different countries. OMG – is this why they want to win the battle? No, they are not after the belt or the title. Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather, Jr. will be more happy fighting to win people’s trust, victory, popularity, money, what else, let just say they fight to show how great they are when they get inside the ring.

Mayweather vs Pacquiao Live Stream Updates

It’s your turn, tell us about your opinion who will this most awaited boxing events, in this battle for greatness, in this fight of the century. Do you think Manny Pacquiao will win? Do you think Floyd Mayweather, Jr. will take home the million dollar belt? Please share us also your thoughts about “who among the two can earn the most money”? Thank you for reading our Mayweather vs Pacquiao live stream updates. Have a nice day!

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