Make Blog Alive

Wondering how can you make blog alive? Do you love to always visit because you learned useful lessons on personal finance and investing?  This blog is receiving thousands of visitors every month. There are many written articles here that teach us how to do a particular thing or task.

Of course, this blog has several articles on investing tips and personal finance articles. Although, this blog started to talk about “investing money and saving”, after few years, I started publishing topics about earning extra money and effective ways to find a job.

Important Reminder: This blog is a non profit organization. It is not a charity. I just assume you appreciate this blog and want to make it alive. The proceeds or the money collected using the PayPal button will be used for paying the web host.

What If you donate large sum of money? Yes you can! I will make sure I will use it in a nice way. And I will credit all the good stuffs and good deeds to you. If this blog will receive large sum of money, I will do the following;

The Donation Button with Purpose

I just created a PayPal donation button today. It was April 8, 2016 (Friday at exactly 11:25 a.m). What is the purpose of this donation button? The purpose of this button is to have my visitors an access to give or donate money (that’s obvious) to

Purpose: I want to continue doing my mission and purpose, and that is to help the street children in any ways and to help protect the environment.

make blog alive
Image Credit: Tobiah on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr

Make Blog Alive

I want to thank all my loyal visitors and readers. How can you make blog alive? By doing the following;

The Blogger Activities

Inserting donation button in this blog doesn’t mean I don’t have money to pay for my web host. Honestly, I only pay few hundred dollars for it. I can afford it.

Whenever you donate money to I will share to you how I spent the money. And of course, plus a message or gratitude and appreciation to donors will also included when I publish a post. Just like what I mentioned awhile ago, the money will be used to help street children and to help protect the environment in any ways.

How to Donate Money?

Donating money to will be highly appreciated. Here’s the instructions on how to do it;

Step 1. Press the Donation Button (see figure 1.1 or use the donation button located at the bottom right sidebar) how it looks like.

Note: Use the donation button here if you want to donate money.



Step 2. Enter donation amount. You can donate any amount.

donate money online
donate money online

Step 3. Donate quickly with PayPal. If you have no PayPal account, you can use credit card or debit card.

Step 4. Confirm the transactions.

Step 5. You will be redirected to thank you message or homepage!

Got Questions?

If you have any questions or want to know more ways on how to make blog alive, just leave a comment below or send me an email message. Please reminded that donating money to is optional. You are not required to donate or give money to blog admin just to access this site.

Accessing this site is FREE. As long as you have an internet connection, you can read the latest updates or read your favorite article over and over again. Thank you for making blog alive! God bless!

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