It’s Only a Matter of Attitude

“Life isn’t easy, you’ve got to be strong.”
This is a line extracted from the song “Common Ground” popularized by Kodaline, an Irish rock band.

We cannot deny the fact that we see imperfections in life. We see different problems, challenges, difficulties, discomforts, worries, anxieties that possibly distract one’s whole life. Oftentimes, we only see the negative. We always feel the uncertainties of life. Sometimes, we are unaware that we should always have an open mind and an open heart to see, to feel and to understand the reality; that we are living in an imperfect world.

In my own point of view, the moment that we were born, we were already given the task and mission to accomplish in this world. As we grow, and as we mature, we become responsible for our own actions and for discovering and fulfilling whatever that mission is. That’s why, theologically speaking, we were given the freewill but of course, it is always accompanied with responsibility, that we are responsible for our own actions and decisions in life.

Realize the Essence of Living

As we grow, we tend to see and to realize the essence of living. In our everyday struggle, we are faced with different circumstances that may test us in our endeavor. Whatever and whoever we are, will never be basis on the existence of challenges in our lives.

How to Face Life’s Challenges?

Each one of us has personal challenges to face. Likewise, each of us has our own different way of handling and facing such challenges and circumstances in life. You might probably think and ask, “Is there a great way on how to handle and how to face life’s challenges?” If I may answer that question, I would rather say that each one of us has our own way of dealing with these challenges, the mere fact that we were born unique and that we have individual differences. Personally, I always believe that in everything we do and in everything that we are faced with, it will always be a matter of attitude.

matter of attitude
Image Credit: BK Creative Commons 2.0

Definition of Attitude

The dictionary defines the word attitude as the position or posture assumed by the body in connection with an action, feeling, mood, etc., or a manner of acting, feeling or thinking that shows one’s disposition, opinion, etc. Allow me to quote the acronym I once read about attitude.

“Awareness, Think, Therapy, Identity, Trust, Understand, Decision, and Emotions.” Which simply means, that we should always be aware of what is happening; use our mental faculty of thinking before we decide; apply treatment if necessary, that is, taking action and making the improvement a new habit; always remember our human identity, that we were created in the image and likeness of God; learning to trust and be trusted; having the power to understand situations; making the right choice and decision; and of course, managing our emotions.

Learn to Manage Our Attitude

Thus, no matter how hard the problem is, no matter how sullen the experience we have, no matter how unfair life seems to be, everything will be realized, accepted and understood if we manifest and manage the right attitude toward it. Therefore, let us always learn to manage our attitude. Let us always have an open heart and an open mind to see and to feel and to understand things as they are. Let us always remember that it’s always and it’s only a matter of attitude.


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