1st Year Anniversary of InvestmentTotal.com – Give Me Ideas

Thanks God InvestmentTotal.com reached it’s 1st year anniversary! Here in InvestmentTotal.com, I write any topics related to business and finance. But today, I just want to celebrate because this blog reached its 1st Year Blog Anniversary. There are numerous personal finance blog. I hope InvestmentTotal.com is one of the useful blog for Filipinos who wants to learn financial education.

This blog is not just about money, it has also articles about career, blogging, affiliate marketing, business and entrepreneur and other topics that might be useful to the readers and loyal visitors of this blog.

The History and Story
Year 2013 when I decided to blog about personal finance, my personal experience in investing in UITF, stocks and mutual funds. I bought a domain name “investmenttotal.com” on September 2013. My first article in this blog is about “how to get a job easily”, because I want to share my experiences and write what I know.

I decided to write my experiences so that other people will learn from my mistakes whether it is on financial mistakes or other important matters. Learn from your mistakes, and learn from other people mistakes to avoid more mistakes or repeat the same mistakes.

Bad Grammar, Good Intention
I am confident I shared positive points of view about finances although I am not a good English writer. One of the comments I’ve got from my readers, is about my bad grammar. I  will try to do my best to write in English, anyways, the important is how you understand the subject matter.

I am not using a very deep “English” words as if the words was just invented today. I am not feel sorry for my English grammar because I am not a native speaker.

Real Man, Real Investor
The owner of this blog is not just a blogger, not just searching topics or answers and post to the his blog. The owner of InvestmentTotal.com is a real investors and he had a experience in investing in stocks, UITF, mutual funds.

For the stock market investing, I am using the services of COLFinancial, for UITF, I love BDO EIP UITF Equity and for mutual funds I have funds on Philequity Fund, Inc. and FAMI-SALEF (First Metro Asset Management Inc. Save and Learn Equity Fund, Inc.)

My goal for these paper assets are “passive income” when I reach my retirement age. When that time will come, I am a happy and rich man. Today I am so happy, but I am not that rich, my goal is to become happy and rich. I know being a happy man has a lot of advantage, first, I will attract more happiness and success. Happiness and serving other people are my priorities and the money will follow afterwards.

Aside from paper asset investing I started my business enterprises selling home made products like “achara” or papaya relish. I have also some livestocks like “swine/hog raising”. I’ve got my first real estate property near in our town where In I bought for some hundred thousand pesos. The property will turn to rental property when I have saved enough money to build an apartment.

Original Articles, Owned Photos
All articles at InvestmentTotal.com are originally written by me. Not copied from anywhere else. As you have noticed, although I am not a good English writer but I can write about finances, why? It is because I am driven by purpose, blogging with purpose.

1st Year Anniversary of InvestmentTotal.com – Give Me Ideas

Give me ideas on how to improve this blog. What do you want me to write about? How do I increase my blog traffic? How do I reached 1,000,000 visitors per month? Let me know your ideas!

The InvestmentTotal.com blog will only be useful if the reader will follow what is written on this blog like investing or about career guide. The success of a man will start from learning and then take action with what he learned.

Thank you for being a regular visitor and reader of InvestmentTotal.com, I hope you appreciate my articles in this personal finance blog. Keep sharing this blog to your love ones, friends or co-worker. So that they will get benefits from this blog. Have a successful financial journey to all of us.

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