YouTube Videos About Personal Finance & Investing Money


YouTube videos are entertaining and some can help you learn personal finance and investing money. These collections of YouTube videos are very useful for beginners if they really want to learn how to save money effectively, how to invest for retirement and how to get rich through business.

I always watch these YouTube videos to help myself be reminded on what to do to my personal finances. Here in Daily Investing Tips, we always try to do our best to share the best resource in personal finance and investing. We mentioned in our previous articles the best books about investments, the best books about personal finance and top Twitter accounts to learn personal finance and investing.


Today, let’s us talk about the best YouTube videos that can help us learn investing and saving. Some of these videos are one of the top 50 mos viewed videos in YouTube. Hey, I know some of you are interested in funniest, frank or even drama or movie in YouTube. If that’s the case, just go to directly and search the videos you want to watch.

There are many tutorials videos in YouTube. From cooking tutorials, gardening, baking, driving and tutorial videos about making money online are available. The good thing is that there are also tutorial videos about personal finance and investing money in YouTube.

Here are some of the interesting and useful YouTube videos explaining more about investing, saving, business and retirement planning;

Useful YouTube Videos About Retirement Planning

YouTube Video: How to Retire Early: The Shockingly Simple Math
Uploaded by Video School Online (48,103 subscribers) with 329,317 views published on August 16, 2015. This YouTube Video has a steps and guide to early retirement. [Watch it on YouTube]

How To Plan For Retirement: A USA.Gov YouTube Video Tutorial
A simple tips from professor KnowItAll by YouTube Channel. Learn how to plan for retirement by watching this YouTube video. This video has already 14,938 views. The videos was published on November 6, 2015 with a description “How to Plan for Retirement”. A simple guide to help you retire with peace of mind. [Watch it on YouTube]

Saving and Investing YouTube Videos

The Difference Between Saving, Investing, and Speculating (Watch)
Uploaded by Pinnacle Advisory Group on July 23, 2014. The YouTube video has 28, 215 views. The channel has 1,022 subscribers. This YouTube video has simple explanations;

  • Save to protect your money.
  • Invest to grow your money.
  • Speculate to gamble your money.

Saving vs. Investing (Watch)
Published by Zions TV (8,826 Subscribers). This YouTube videos has 33,621 views. Saving VS. Investing video. It will give you a clear idea on where to put your hard-earned money. You will surely decide where to save and invest your hard earned money. A simple but definitive guide about saving and investing.

Compound Interest Explained in Investopedia YouTube Video (Watch)
It will give you a better idea how do compound interest works. The video has 177,493 views. If you want to know more about saving and investing, watch the authority YouTube channel related to investments, the InvestoPedia YouTube channel. On that YouTube channel, you will surely learn how does different types investments works like bonds, mutual funds, etfs, stocks, forex, etc.

More YouTube Videos You Must Watch and Learn Personal Finance & Investing Money

I always watch YouTube videos when I want to learn something, from T-shirt printing, drawing, repairing a car, buying a real estate, making money online, parenting and even funny videos.

But of course, I don’t want to waste my time. I ‘ll do make sure when I spend my time, it’s worth it. Like watching personal finance and investing tutorials in YouTube. Watching YouTube videos has advantages and disadvantages. But there are lot of advantages. We can learn or get the tutorial lessons for free. But it doesn’t mean we don’t need to attend seminars and workshops to learn personal finance and investing.

Go to and search something like “saving”, “investing”, “retirement planning”, or anything you want to learn like forex trading, stock market investing, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, IRA, 401k, bonds, mutual funds, certificate of deposits, etc.

I hoped you liked this article and the YouTube videos example explaining how retirement planning, saving and investing money works. Always visit Daily Investing Tips for more guides, information and articles related to saving and investing money.

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