Yahoo Stock Price: (YHOO) Yahoo Historical Stock Prices 2014


Looking for Yahoo stock price history for 2014? Do you think Yahoo Inc. is one of the best stocks to invest in? Let us find out if your Yahoo Inc. (YHOO) stock is gaining or losing by analyzing the data regarding its historical stock price as of year 2014.

Stock market trading is one of the most profitable investments especially if you are expert and has knowledge about stocks fundamental analysis. Buying stocks is very easy. You can do it through available stock trading platform in the country, make sure the stock broker is listed in security and exchange commission. However, the trading itself requires skills to make it really profitable.


Going back to the topic, is buying Yahoo stocks this 2014 a good decision?Yahoo, Inc. (YHOO) is a stock under technology sector. It provides information on the internet.

Yahoo (YHOO) Company Information

Yahoo is one of the most used search engine the world. Yahoo has email services called as the Yahoo Mail. Other products and services of Yahoo includes mail, finances, sports news, weather, Yahoo news digest, Aviate and Flickr.Yahoo! Inc. operates as a technology company worldwide.

The company offers Yahoo Search that serves as a starting point to navigate the Internet and discover information; and Yahoo Answers, which enables users to seek, discover, and share knowledge and opinions across mobile phones, tablets, and desktop.

Yahoo Top Executives

Ms. Marissa A . Mayer is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), President and Director of Yahoo Inc., Other Yahoo top executives as of 2014 are as follows;

Ms. Marissa A. Mayer Chief Exec. Officer, Pres and Director
Mr. David Filo Co Founder, Chief Yahoo and Director
Mr. Kenneth A. Goldman Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Ronald S. Bell VP, Gen. Counsel and Sec.
Mr. Aman S. Kothari Chief Accounting Officer, Sr. VP and Global Controller

Yahoo Inc. Office at 701 First Avenue

Image Credit: Yun Huang Yong via Flickr CC 2.0

Yahoo Stock Price History 2014

On January 2, 2014. The Yahoo Inc. (YHOO) stock price is 40.37 and on december1, 2014 the price increased to 51.43 as the opening prices. It gain almost 11.06 or 27%.

January 2, 2014 40.37 41.72 34.45 36.01
February 3, 2014 35.94 39.38 34.66 38.67
March 3, 2014 37.65 40.15 35.05 35.90
April 1, 2014 36.16 37.30 32.15 35.95
May 1, 2014 36.26 37.17 33.10 34.65
June 2, 2014 34.69 37.06 33.02 35.13
July 1, 2014 35.50 36.99 32.93 35.81
August 1, 2014 35.69 38.72 35.15 38.51
September 2, 2014 38.90 44.01 37.90 40.75
October 1, 2014 40.66 46.52 36.20 46.05
November 3, 2014 46.05 52.62 45.74 51.74
December 1, 2014 51.43 51.43 49.66 50.41
Source: Yahoo Finance

Disclaimer: The historical data of Yahoo, Inc. (YHOO) historical stocks are for information purposes only, it may contain error. It is advisable to report such error to the blog admin. Past performance doesn’t guarantee future returns. Do your own research and investigation on which stocks you should buy. Any business names and trademarks mentioned in this blog are owned by their respective companies.

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