Where to Find Stock Market News About Stock Market Today?


Want to find stock market news? Stock market investors are looking for the latest stock market news, trends and stock quotes everyday. They are also looking for recommendation on which is the best stocks to buy today.

Based on my own experience, whenever I want to read stock market news I just visited some financial websites, which I will give it to you today. One of the best ways to succeed on stock investing is to be well-informed about what is happening in the stock market. Some financial websites are not just showing the stock prices data or performance of a certain stock.


Another ways to find reliable stock market news is to read newspapers, a business newspaper can give you updated news not just the stock price but also some companies business updates. Aside from newspaper and websites, you can also find reliable stock market news today via news on television. Choose the right television network especially those networks who can deliver daily news not only about your country but about world events.

Find Stock Market News on Investment Websites

1. Bloomberg – also considered as the investors encyclopedia. If you want news and information about stock market, visit You can also download the Bloomberg App so that you can easily get updates.

2. Google Finance – Google is not only a search engine, there is a finance page wherein you can find the stock indexes, stock quotes, historical stock price of a specific company.

3. Yahoo Finance – at Yahoo Finance, you can also find stock market news, quotes, price and companies stock information.

4. Try CNN Money, we all know CNN news has a variety of news everyday from sports, technology, politics, socio-economic and businesses.

5. Forbes – Forbes.Com is also one great way to read stock market news. Awhile ago, when I visited the Forbes website, I have received the best 15 US stocks to buy on 2015, you will only receive the “stocks to buy on 2015” if you will subscribe to Forbes Newsletter via email.

6. Try to visit other news websites and visit their business section, news websites such as Huffington Post, New York Times, Fox News, NBC News, Mail Online, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, ABCNews, Washington Post, BBC News USA Today and LA (Los Angeles) Times.

Do Not Forget to Bookmark the Website

In short, you can find stock market news online (news websites), newspaper business section, news on television or even on the radio. There are other ways to find reliable stock market news online. Better to visit your favorite news website, visit their business section page and bookmark the URL of that page.

Subscribe to

It is easy to find stock market news everyday, just visit the websites I mentioned above. Want to receive stock investing tips, historical stock price like Apple, Inc., Dow Jones Industrial Average Index, stocks performance per annum, recommended stocks to buy, or other tips on how to start investing in stocks today?

Aside from news website, you can subscribe to email newsletter to get updates about not just stock market but also receive investing tips instantly via email. Good luck to your stock investing journey!

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