UK Blue Chip Stocks Aside from Royal Dutch Shell


Looking for UK blue chip stocks? Awhile ago, I received an email messages about UK stocks. The reader of is asking me the blue chip stocks in UK (United Kingdom). Here’s the short email I received.

“I am interested in investing in stocks, thank you for the motivation. Now, I know investing can help me make my money grow rather than just parking my money in the bank. May I know are the blue chip stocks in United Kingdom? I only know Royal Dutch Shell, aside from Royal Dutch Shell, I have no idea about other companies’ stocks”. – Von


Answer: Let me thank you first for trusting me about this matter. I am not saying I am an stock expert. All I know is when investing in stocks, your money will be more safe if you will choose blue chip stocks. But, since you are just started, beware and educate yourself about the certain risk involved in investing in stocks.

You are correct, Royal Dutch Shell is is one of the blue chip stocks in United Kingdom. Actually this company is very stable. Royal Dutch Shell already operates its business globally.

UK Blue Chip Stocks Aside from Royal Dutch Shell

Aside from Royal Dutch Shell, here are the other blue chip stocks in United Kingdom. I am not recommending any of these stocks. I may advise to please do your own research before buying stock shares.

  • Royal Dutch Shell
  • Vodafone Group
  • British American Tobacco
  • Glaxo SmithKline
  • Rio Tinto Group
  • BG Group
  • Toyal Bank of Scotland Group
  • Anglo American

Some experts says BP (British Petroleum) is also one of the best blue chip stocks in UK. Anyway, here’s some of the “points” to consider when choosing a stocks.

  • Good record of dividend payments.
  • The dividends payments must be regular and it increased every year.
  • The company must have a strong balance sheet.
  •  Diversified products and it has an advantage in the market place.

If you want to know more about how blue chip works and some examples, a good examples of these companies (in USA) are the companies listed in Dow Jones Industrial Average. Study how these 30 companies in Dow Jones became highly stable and why stock experts consider these stocks as blue chip stocks.

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